Course Browser Window Disappears with Start of Web Object or Automatic Transition

Aug 22, 2017

As a preface, the problem is occurring in the following environment:

Articulate Storyline 360 (SCORM 1.2) Course

Uploaded to Cornerstone OnDemand

Viewed on IE 11



My second slide of the course I put together contains a web object, which is a video URL (the video plays automatically from a website when the first slide transitions to the second).  However, immediately upon transitioning (when the web object initializes), the entire course browser window disappears behind all other browser windows that are open on the computer.  Has anyone experienced something like this?  


It probably has to do with IE 11 because this does not happen when I preview the course in Storyline, and this does not happen with Chrome.


Any ideas on how to fix this?  Thank you ahead of time!

7 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Quinn, 

Thanks for sharing so much detail about your issue! 

The tidbit that it's only happening in IE11 makes me believe it's a browser issue, LMS issue or both. 

Here's how to narrow that down:

  1. Ensure that you're viewing the course in a Support browser for Storyline 360
  2. Check that IE11 isn't being forced into compatibility mode (or anything else that would make it behave like an earlier version of IE). You can use the steps outlined here to check for compatibility mode 
  3. Give you course a test at SCORM Cloud - it's a standard for LMS testing. This article will walk you through how to test there. 

Let me know your results after going through those steps! 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jonathan, 

It sounds likely that you're running into the compatibility view. Another way to test if you can't show the developer tools is use a site like SCORM Cloud to host the content in. That shouldn't force it into compatibility mode, and then you see if it works as you'd expect. 

If not, let us know and our Support team is happy to give it a test! 

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