Course fails to resume on third attempt in Moodle

May 19, 2015

Locally my course resumes fine on multiple attempts but when I upload it to Moodle (2.7) it only resumes correctly on the first two attempts.  On all future attempts, it shows where I left off on the second attempt no matter what I do.

Note: When I use the word "attempt", I am talking about launching the SCORM 1.2 package in Moodle, clicking a section, viewing some pages, and then exiting the activity.  

When I come back the first time and second time, Moodle bookmarks and returns me to the correct location.  However, when I come back a third time or any time after that, it always shows where I left off on the second time I came in.

I'm stuck on this one.  I welcome any suggestions.

7 Replies
Chris Shively

Phil - Thanks for responding. 

How quickly does bookmarking data accumulate?  I can open only a single page each time I visit the SCORM course and it still stops tracking after my second visit.  

Do you know what the setting is called to ignore the data?  And if I ignore the data, will it still report on what I did?


Dan Marsden

The SCORM 1.2 spec has a limit on the amount of data that can be stored - Moodle has a setting to control this under admin > Plugins > Activity modules > SCORM -> "Enable SCORM 1.2 standard mode"

More info on this is available here:

Also might be useful for you to review:

Doug Mattson

I am experiencing a similar problem. I unchecked the SCORM 1.2 specs and tested it and I also published to 2004 and tested it. It loads perfectly the first time. But, when I click resume on the second attempt nothing will load. It's just white space. The stranger thing is that it also happens in Articulate Online. I must have a setting wrong somewhere but I just can't seem to find it. The module consists of 3 text entry fields that I would like the learner to be able to edit and add to with each attempt.

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