Drag and Drop

Mar 29, 2016

Hi !

I created a drag and drop and I would like a flashing arrow to appear when ALL the 6 are draged and droped by the learner, so that this learner knows he must click on a button in order to validate his choice. Slide 1.2 of the attached file.

My first question :

I created a trigger fot the layers which contains the flashing arrow, but this one even appears when the learner just click on the objects without droping them. I think I forgot something in this trigger but I do not know what (an additional condition ?).

My second question:

In the slide layers dedicated to the feedback (entitled "bravo" and "dommage"), the learner can know how many good and false answers he made (I created a numerical variable for that). But he cannot know which answers and good and falso. Is it possible good and bad answer also appear with differents colors, in the sheme behind the score ?

Thank you,



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