Drag and Drop - Within a Box

Feb 17, 2017

Hi everybody, I'm relatively new to Storyline so still trying to work a few things out...

I'm trying to create a very basic scrollbar of my own style which runs horizontally rather than vertically (I've only got 2 "pages"), and using the drag and drop feature.  The only problem is that of course, the bar can be moved anywhere on the screen, when I want to restrict its movement to the scroll box.

Is there a way to restrict a drag and drop item's movement?

6 Replies
John Edwards

Hi Michael and Alyssa, thanks for your input - didn't know about the sliders! (It's Storyline 2)

I was hoping to try and create a scrollbar which would fit with the style of the course overall (perhaps changing the look of a slider as demonstrated in a couple of the examples which Alyssa shared) but I think that's beyond the limits of S2.

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