Drag and stack - grouping questions not working anymore - has the upgrade brought new issues?

Jan 12, 2016


I have made a number of drag and stack questions with one to three different drop boxes depending on the questions. So far so good, they all worked perfectly well. Today, building one with three drop boxes and based on a template I have already used, the options do not line up from top to bottom in each drop box. They all go to the centre of the boxes and sit on top of each other.

So I checked similar questions in a module I finished and published a while ago, so knowing they have always worked, and viewing these screens in the development version of the module, to my horror I found that I find the same problem there too. I have not touched this module since I have published it in the summer, when it was reviewed and signed off.

I am wondering if the latest update of Storyline 2 that my clients uploaded on the machine I use at their office has created this new issue. I built three single drop box stacking questions yesterday at home, where I never upgraded Storyline 2, and they were working perfectly fine. I decided to check them here today and the same problem is happening - the options all snap in the centre of the drop box on top of each other.

I am tempted to think that the upgrade my clients uploaded has created the problem. Are you aware of it? Do you have a fix for this issue? I can't see what is wrong with the questions as I have checked the settings and I can't see anything wrong with them, unless they are too subtle for me to find.

Please would you be able to reply to my 'cry for help and guidance' in not too long?  I can't be the only one affected by it?

Many, many thanks

Kind regards




19 Replies
Fabienne Brochier

Hi Christie, Ashley,

The update version with which I have the drag and stack problem is update 7.

I have played the same file at home now on update 4, and the screens work perfectly well. So I can only assume this is a bug in update 7.

I have also tried to change the Drag Target Option to Free but then the options don't snap into place in the drop boxes anymore. So in Update 4 it seems to work with the option 'Tile', snapping under each other in a row. But in Update 7 it behaves as if the Drag Target Option were on 'Random'.

With such problems I am not going to upload Upgrade 7 at home now. I will have to check the behaviour of these questions at work again next Tuesday, checking the settings there.

I am rather baffled by the issue. Is it possible to revert to Upgrade 4 after upgrading to a later version?

Kind regards






Christie Pollick

Hi, Fabienne -- Many thanks for your follow up and for the additional details on the issue you are experiencing. If you would like to share your file, you have a few options: you can use the ADD ATTACHMENT button in the bottom left of the reply box and you can browse/upload to the thread from there. 

Or, if you'd prefer that Ashley or I take a look at the file privately offline, here is the form you would need to use to submit. And finally, if you would rather work directly with our Support Engineering staff, here is the link you'd need to submit your case. We would be happy to follow along with their progress and share relevant updates here in the thread. It's up to you! :)

Christie Pollick

Hi, Fabienne -- Yes, if you are able to share a pared-down or abbreviated version of your file that illustrates the issue you are experiencing, that would be ideal! Or, if you prefer to send the file in its entirety, that is not a problem but for efficiency's sake, we ask that you specify the area or slides numbers in which you are encountering the issue. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi John,

I just wanted to update you that I took a look at Fabienne's case and he was using text boxes vs. shapes which is what caused the difficulty in terms of some unexpected behavior when using the drag and dropped. If you've started a new thread we'll also take a look there and let you know what else we see in yours! 

Fabienne Brochier

Hi John

Indeed, the developer who had set up the original template had used text boxes to make the drop boxes. I had to change them to Shapes and it now works perfectly. The drag boxes should also be made from Shapes and not text boxes. You can add text in Shapes by using the Edit text option in the right click menu.

Kind regards


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