edit the submit button

Oct 28, 2014

I have a client asking to change the color of the submit button so it stands out better.  Anyone know how to do this?


11 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Connie

if you are using the default Submit button in SL, it is calling it from the player colours.  See the  the screenshot below for how to change buttons - as far as I know it will change 'all player buttons'. 

If you want you can disable the player submit button by clicking on the 'cog wheel settings icon' on the quiz slide, deselect 'submit' button, then create your own custom one and add a trigger to it.

 Here's a link to what all the player items are

Storyline player colours

JIllian Rickertt

I have a problem with this with a hot spot interaction. If I use the default player submit button I get a Player Trigger Interaction and the hotspot question works as it should. When I remove the player submit button and add my own button it's not a player trigger and I get an incorrect answer even if I select the correct hotspot. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Kristine,

That setup no longer works in Storyline 3 or Storyline 360, but what you could do instead is only show the submit button to learners once they've clicked on a hotspot. It looks a bit busier on the slide, as you'll need to add in the Incorrect hotspots too.

Take a look at this example.

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