Help with counting and comparing drag and drop interactions please

May 18, 2019

Hi Heroes!

I'm brand new to Storyline (but an experienced Captivate developer). I was asked to take on a design challenge as part of a job interview process. They know that I'm inexperienced, but I need to figure it out.

9 items have to be sorted in 4 bins. More than one item can be in each bin, but there are no do-overs allowed. I think I have that part down. (Not bad considering I opened the application for the first time a few hours ago.)

Anyway, here's my conundrum. The next thing that's required is to highlight which bin got the most items.

I've searched the Heroes site and can't find anything on this topic.

Any insight would be appreciated. I've attached my story file.

Thank you  

11 Replies
Jopney Test Sotomayor

Hi Dona,

To achieve this:

  1. You need to assign variables to each bin that will hold the number of items dropped to them
  2. Use the variables of each bin to compare and assess which bin got the most items
  3. Highlight the bin with the highest number of items

I've updated your attached .story file to show you the basic execution of your requirement. Feel free to customize according to your need.

Helpful tutorials:

I hope this helps and I wish you good luck.



Thor Melicher

Here is how you would go about doing that:

1. Create a new trigger that disables the Submit button when the Timeline starts

Action: Change State of
On Object: Submit button
To State: Disabled
When: Timeline starts
Object: Name of the slide

2. Create another trigger that changes the state of the Submit button to Normal when all of your objects are sorted

Action: Change State of
On Object: Submit button
To State: Normal
When: State
On: All of (check all items required)
Drop Correct

Hope that gets you going for the last part of your project!

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