How to keep image quality after inserting into Storyline

Feb 11, 2014

Hi everyone,

It seems that no matter what quality an image has, its quality gets blurred after inserted into Storyline. Is there a way to keep the image quality as it is after inserting into Storyline?

Thanks in advance,


104 Replies
John Policarpio

Hi Julie,

From my experience, the way we resolved image quality was to make sure we didn't resize the image when it was brought into storyline.

its ideal to use 100% size. by doing so it retains image quality. shrinking or stretching caused quality degradation on our end.

if you are using the original image size then unfortunately, i am at a loss.

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Julie,

Thanks for allowing us to take a peek at your file. I did see some blurriness in the screenshots in Unit 6.

I'd agree with John that you'll want to avoid resizing images, if possible, since that results in a loss of quality. You can read more about our best practices for high quality images here. 

Leslie McKerchie

Hello Sam,

I wanted to pop in to let you know that there was an enhancement included in the latest update to Storyline 360 that you may be interested in:

Enhanced: SVG images on PowerPoint slides import into Storyline 360 as native shapes. You can customize their fill colors, line styles, and shape effects. Details here.

Just launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the Update button for Storyline 360. Details here.

Please let us know if you have any questions, either here or by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly.

Alison McGuire

I'm wondering if anyone's found a solution to the blurry images? I am trying to insert a couple background images to my master slides. They are showing up blurry both in preview mode and published. 

The original images were quite large (4000 x 2250). I read on the forums that scaling down images can also lead to blurriness, so I tried resizing in Photoshop to match my project size (720 x 405). Both versions look blurry to me, but in different ways. Any advice is appreciated! See attached. 

Lauren Connelly

Hi Alison!

Thank you for sharing the file with the different images! I did notice the blurriness. Unfortunately, many factors can lead to blurry images including changing the size.

While looking at the file, I didn't see where the images are on the timeline. I looked in Slide Masters as well. Can you share how you've imported the images?

Alison McGuire
Lauren Connelly

Hi Alison!

Thank you so much for sharing your images! I've imported them into the Slide Masters and noticed the 16:9 images look much clearer! The odd part is that all images look clear in Story View. 

Have you tried saving the images as .png from Photoshop? Saving as a .jpg is used for keeping the file size compressed which can potentially compromise the quality of the image.

Jan Dusek

Can we please have support for larger images than 2048x2048? It's 2020 and with Retina assets everywhere, this translates to 1024x1024 which is not really sufficient for screencasts.

Ideally please just give us an advanced mode where assets are not altered by Storyline and we as creators are 100% responsible for the assets we bring in.

Meg Varley Keller

This happens to me as well -- I see a lot of posts on this topic over the years but no clear response as to why it happens or whether or not it's on roadmap to improve?  Love Storyline so far, but do not want blurry slides!  At this point I'm just re-creating within Storyline anything that gets pixelated ... works for some things but not things I can't create in Storyline.

Lauren Connelly

Hi Meg!

I'm happy to help! Are you noticing images are blurry when they are a specific size, or does every image become blurry when it's imported? 

It's important to note that in order to keep the quality of an image, you don't want to resize it to the point where it's stretched across the screen. This can make the image look blurry and out of focus. 

Do you mind sharing a screenshot of what this looks like on your end? This will give us a better idea of what the issue is.

Jan Dusek

@Lauren any chance of implementing a project-wide checkbox that'd disable Storyline's babysitting and recompressing of our assets? Or at least some workaround like Rise's _NOPROCESS_ filename suffix?

This is this Rise thread all over again:

I painstakingly compress my images and audio to achieve the exact quality and filesize my project requires, only for Storyline then to undo all that work and produce a project that's larger and with worse quality.

This is really frustrating, please give us the option to handle our assets manually.

Katie Riggio

Good morning!

Thank you for sharing your experiences. We know you want to deliver high-quality work and promise to update this conversation with any new information. 

As always, feel free to share example image files using the secure link below for tailored troubleshooting. We're happy to help!

Also, good questions above!

Is there an equivalent of Rise 360's_NOPROCESS_ approach for Storyline 360?

When publishing in Storyline 360, there is a Quality property in the publish window that lets you control the compression settings for media:


Dashed lines or lines with custom end types and arrows appear blurry

This is an open issue in Storyline 360. I'll tag this discussion so we can circle back on our progress!

For now, one workaround is to use block arrows instead of line arrows:


Jan Dusek

Hi Katie, thanks for sharing this.

1. Can you please confirm if setting image quality to 100% will use my original image as-is without recompressing it? Or does setting this to 100% just set highest quality on the image compressor, thus producing large files?

2. How can I publish an audio asset as-is, without re-encoding it to certain bitrate?

3. How can I publish a video asset as-is, without it being re-encoded by Storyline to the set video quality?

Lauren Connelly

Hi Jan!

Great questions!

1. Setting the image quality to 100% leaves the image without compression. So if you want an untouched image in the published output, then we recommend setting the image quality to 100%. Less/No compression does mean a larger file size.

2. In order to publish audio as is, you'll want to remove compression. This article explains this in great detail.

3. Same with the audio, we recommend setting the Compression to None if you don't want Storyline to touch the video quality. Here's another article that explains this as well!

Let us know if you have any other questions! We're here to help!

Evan Bahoric

Jumping into this... I'm creating a course for a mobile app and would like to give the user the ability to scroll through a long form. The image is 1440x12841 (yes, that long). To confirm...there is NO way possible to get this image into storyline without it automatically resizing the height of the image to 2048 pixels? 

Is this a planned improvement?

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Irina!

As promised, I'm here to notify you of our latest update to Storyline 360, which includes:

Fixed: Arrows and dashed lines were blurry when previewed or published.

To get the latest update, launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the Update button for Storyline 360. Details here.

Please let us know if you have any questions. You can reply here or reach out to our Support Engineers directly.