Internet explorer 'blinks' between slides

May 05, 2017

I've just finished developing a course that involves a series of screen shots from a phone that have been inserted within the course as PNGs. Whilst testing the course I've noticed that in internet explorer (and Edge) the course seems to blink between the slides. When you watch it closely you can see the content disappears and re-appears in a fraction of a second.

Is there any reason that this could be happening? It doesn't do it in chrome so I know it's not an intended setting within storyline (e.g an animation or a timeline issue).


14 Replies
Rob Beer

Hi Ashley,

The issue occurs in multiple version of IE, including the latest version of Edge.

I've built and published the course using Storyline 360, with the settings of Flash first with HTML5 fall back.

The content itself is commercially sensitive but I can send you cut down section of it with the images and text changed. What's the best way of sending that to you directly?

Alyssa Gomez

Hi there Rob, 

Thanks for sharing your published file here. I gave it a test in Internet Explorer 11 and Edge, and I definitely noticed the flicker during slide transition in HTML5. This didn't seem to happen in other browsers, and it didn't happen in Flash.

I did a little digging, and we do have an issue on our radar where Storyline 360 HTML5 output subtly flickers when viewed on Internet Explorer 11 and Edge. I'll be sure to let the team know about your experience and add this forum thread to the report.

As soon as we get more information, I'll let you know. Thanks again for bringing this up, and I'm sorry if it's been slowing you down!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi all,

Great news!  We just released another update for Articulate 360, and included a few important fixes and new features that you'll see in the release notes here.  

The item you'll be interested in is how we fixed the issue where HTML5 output would blink or flicker between slides in Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge.

Just launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the Update button for each application. Details here.

Please let us know if you have any questions, either here or by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly. 

Alyssa Gomez

Hey there Martin! This issue should be fixed in Storyline 3. Sorry you're still running into it!

Are you on the latest update of Storyline 3? To check, click the Help tab, then click About Storyline. You should see 3.4.15731.0 in the bottom-right corner. 

If you're already on the latest update, send a copy of your file to us by clicking here. We'll help you get to the bottom of this!

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