Jump to slide in Storyline from outside the course?

Aug 12, 2016

Using something like JavaScript, is there ANY way I can go to a specific slide or scene in a Storyline course, from outside the course?

Example: A learner is just working on a webpage at their job and it asks them:

"Hey, did you want to learn more on this function? Click here to be taken directly to the specific part of this bigger course that talks about what you're seeing here."

And then it jumps to, say, slide 23 in scene 5?

29 Replies
Russell Killips
Marcus Haddon

As it turns out, it is now working. But I am not sure as to why it is now working? But not complaining.

Thanks to both Russell and Matthew. 

I have posted another question separate to this. It is the same project but a different challenge - Would either of you be able to have a look and point me in the right direction for a solution?


Many Thanks

Stephen G

Hi, has anyone managed to ever get this working within an LMS system ?

I have a working project but once it is uploaded to the LMS it breaks down. The problem is that the URL changes each time the user launches the training, rendering the process useless. I can't specify a unique URL within storyline as it changes each time.

Any help greatly appreciated,

