My layers suddenly stopped advancing.

Feb 15, 2016

I have created a storyline  using many layers. All my layers worked fine in preview and after I tested it published. Now for reasons unknown the base layer will play but when the timeline hits my cue point the layers will not advance. This is occurring and all of my slides, not just one. Any ideas?

23 Replies
Bill Johnson

I was using the fade transition on all slides and layers for a clean effect. I tried a transition on the simple story I posted and the layer stopped transitioning. I thought that transitions were fighting with animations in my original story but the simple story had no animated objects on the slide and still failed.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Bill,

I'm following along in this thread and was a bit unsure about your sample file you shared as I didn't see any transitions as a part of it? You can have transitions on slides and on layers, but the slide properties in terms of auto advancing will impact the slide and the layer as they're dealt with together. As far as transitions you can't have an exit transition on the layer as a whole, however, you can have all the objects do an exit transition including an image emulating the background. Just make sure all objects and background are not anchored to the end of timeline.

If you're seeing it stop midway through the transition I wonder if you're actually seeing it go to the next slide/layer based on the timeline and therefore no longer seeing the transition? If you'd like to share an updated copy of your file we'd be happy to take a look. 

Wendy Farmer

Hi Ashley

I've been having a play with Bill's file and I'm finding it hard to diagnose.

Layer 1 works to the assigned base layer cue point if you remove the layer transition. 

Then I got it to work once with the layer transition if I removed the cue point and did when timeLine reaches 5 secs.  Then I couldn't get it to work again.

interested to follow along with this one...

Bill Johnson

Hello Ashley,

The file I uploaded initially has the applied transitions. The small second file I uploaded does not have transitions applied. It was used to demonstrate layers would change when the "hide base layer" was checked off. I applied a transition to the small story while on my computer as part of my own experimenting but I did not upload it again with transitions applied to the layers. Your explanation stated that I cannot apply a transition to the layer, which I believe I may have done. I will have to try to apply the transition to the objects on my layer but it sounds painful. Thank you.

Bill Johnson

Quote from Ashley

If you're seeing it stop midway through the transition I wonder if you're actually seeing it go to the next slide/layer based on the timeline and therefore no longer seeing the transition? If you'd like to share an updated copy of your file we'd be happy to take a look. 

I noticed, every few tries that I could just make out a faint image of the layer that should have been transitioning in. I was using the fade transition at the time so I changed it to the dissolve or checkerboard to see how it would behave. The base layer dissolved and then the transitioning looked like it stopped half way through the process with the "checkerboard" pieces frozen on the screen. I hope this explanation makes sense to you Ashley and Wendy.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Bill,

Thanks for your patience - so I also tested on a new file and I'm seeing some other odd behavior in terms of applying transitions in that at times it doesn't show at all or other times it does appear but almost greyed out. I'm going to share this with our QA team. In the meantime, if you're not using slide transitions but instead applying the entrance and exit animations to the individual items that would allow them to appear. It's a bit more set up - but it does seem to work as expected. 

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