Pause Button not working

Apr 16, 2019

Hello, perhaps someone can help me with this.  I am not sure what am I doing wrong, but the pause button does not pause audio, but stops the timeline.

I appreciate any feedback.

Thanks, Anna

9 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Anna,

Thanks for sharing the course so that I could take a look.

When I hover over the pause button, it is pausing the audio for me. I do see the course pausing as well, which it sounds like you would not like that to happen.

I recorded a brief Peek 360 video to explain and visualize what I'm seeing as well as a possible solution that may work better for you :)

Anna Sompolska

Hi Leslie, the video reply is super; however, I want the audio to resume when the mouse is away from the button. This is the problem that I am experiencing,  It does not resume for me, it stops the timeline and the user is stuck on the slide with not possibility to move on.  I wonder if this is just on my end?

Thanks, and I appreciate your response again.

Leslie McKerchie

Got it, Anna. Thanks for the further explanation.

I updated your base slide, layer 10, and layer reason with the reduced timeline.

Notice that the course will progress and the audio on the next layer will play.

A manual trigger will need to be added to resume the audio on the specific layers, but the time opportunity is very short.

I'm still looking for another option to share with you.

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