Puasing a certain animation in the timeline when pausing an audio

Apr 06, 2020


I am using Articulate 360.

I have in my slide several audios:

Audio 1: the main lesson, it is played when the slide starts and there is an animation on the timeline that goes with the audio

Audio 2,3,4....6: When I click any of these audio, I pause Audio 1 to play the clicked audio, until the user plays Audio 1 again. 

My problem is that the animation keeps going on the timeline, so when I resume Audio 1 the animation doesn't go with the audio.  I want to pause the timeline on the animation only, and resume it again when I resume Audio 1 .

When I pause the timeline when I click on Audio 2,3,4..etc.  The whole timeline freezes and I can't play any audio. 

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