quality of the Character image when publishing

Jun 25, 2014


It's my first time on the forum, avnd I'm french native speaker, so excuse me for mistakes..

I have a problem when I publish my job.

On my slide matser, I put an illustrated character in a corner (the characters included with the software).

When i build my course, no problem, my character seems perfect, very sharp.

But when i want to publish my job, then my character appears very blur.

Any idea?

Thanks a lot


3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Magalie and welcome to Heroes! 

I'd want to check first that when viewing the slide, you're at 100% zoom as if you were editing at a different zoom things will appear differently when publishing or previewing. If you were working at 100% zoom - do you have a sample .story file you could share here with us so that we could take a look at how the character changes? 

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