Resource in Articulate Storyline says "error" when opened

Feb 07, 2016

I created a simple course that contains a .PDF of one of my company's policies. Our employees are required to read the policy. I have made literally hundreds of these courses- but now all of the sudden when the course is launched in our LMS (Halogen) and the resource is selected, a new window opens up that says that the content cannot be found. It does the same thing in SCORM cloud as well. I've attached the file- any help would be greatly appreciated. 

6 Replies
Amanda Keddington

No, I cannot see it in the story content>external files folder. I do have the PDF saved to my laptop, but it did originate from a network drive.

Is there something I can do to rectify this?

As a side note, my LMS is telling me that they were able to view the document so it might be a browser issue?

Wendy Farmer

Hi Amanda

the pdf would normally get packaged up into the external files folder during publish - its interesting that the LMS users can see the pdf if it's not in the folder - I wonder if they are accessing it directly somehow through the LMS from the network location?

I would try republishing the module, checking the external files folder and then testing the module in Scormcloud (which is an industry standard LMS) using a variety of browsers to see what happens.  In a lot of cases you can't guarantee which browser you users will use to access the LMS unless it is within a SOE environment.

Phil Mayor

There is a bug in storyline 2 in the resources if you move the file or no longer have access to it, the file is not then attached to the final publish.

The only way to ensure the resources attach at the moment is to ensure you do not move the file overtime you publish.  In this case you likely need to delete it and reattach.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Amanda,

I'd agree with Wendy and Phil here - you'll want to ensure you're adding the files from a local source and don't move the file. The element in question is a bug reported to our team, so I'll include a link to this thread as a part of it so that we can keep you posted here once there is any more information to share. 

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