Root Folder Changed with HTML5 Output

Dec 19, 2019

With the most recent update to Articulate Storyline 360, we noticed that the output folders are organized differently. Specifically, "story_html5.html" no longer exists in the root folder based on how this new output is organized. This is causing an issue for us as we run our courses through a custom console prior to publishing. I can't find any communication from Articulate in regard to this change?

7 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hello Nikisha and Trung,

Thanks for reaching out! We simplified the published output in Storyline 360 builds 3.35.20995.0 and later. When you publish HTML5-only or Flash-only courses, Storyline no longer generates these files in your published output:

  • index_lms_flash.html
  • index_lms_html5.html
  • story_flash.html
  • story_html5.html

You'll only see the files above when you publish courses with both HTML5 and Flash formats.

Nikisha Watson

Hi Leslie,

Thanks for the response. We've been publishing HTML5 only for some time, and with these files no longer being generated, as others have noted, this change is causing a work stoppage for us in that we have implemented a custom solution that utilizes the organization of the root folders to insert custom java script prior to publishing in our LMS/CMS.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Michael and Nikisha,

I'm sorry for any trouble this has caused you! If you need to roll back to Update 34 that would provide time for you to update your custom solution and continue to publish with HTML5 only.  Directions on installing a previous version can be found here. 

Pointing to the story.html file is our recommendation regardless of how you publish - as that file will serve up the Flash or HTML5 output based on your publishing choice and the browser your learners are using. 

Let us know if you need anything else! 

Tracy Windsor

Hello -- We are also having the issue here. So you are saying that those 'specific' files will no longer appear. If I publish as HTML5 as long as I see the HTML5 folder I can point to INDEX_LMS.html and it will actually be an HMTL5 version?

We generally use the INDEX_XX.HTML file -- I see above you say to use the Story.html file -- Does it matter? We have always used the INDEX file (LMS, FLASH, HTML5) since it seemed to work with our LMS. Early on Story.html didn't work so we never tried again.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Tracy,

Correct. You will no longer see the files broken out if you are publishing as HTML5-only or Flash-only.

We've always recommended pointing to index_lms.html if you need to specify a file for your LMS so that Storyline could determine what to display.

Let us know if you run into any difficulty we can further help you with.

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