Storyline 2 AICC Not Marking Complete in LMS in Chrome and Safari

Jul 29, 2015

I am experiencing a rather unusual issue. I published a course in Storyline 2 using AICC for LMS. When I load the course into the SuccessFactors LMS, it correctly marks complete and passes exam score in IE and Firefox, but not in Chrome and Safari. Any ideas why a published course will pass completion status and exam score in some browsers but not others?

FYI, I have courses authored in Captivate 8 that are successfully marking complete to the same LMS via AICC.

13 Replies
Rebecca Hinkle

Hello, and thanks very much for the replies. I tried all of the recommendations suggested: verified browser settings; tested the published course on SCORM cloud and it successfully marked complete; and installed the latest version of Storyline. I am using Storyline on a Windows 7 virtual machine on my Mac via VMWare Fusion -- I'm not sure if that constitutes publishing to a network drive or not.

I am able to publish courses in Captivate 8 that will successfully mark complete in the LMS (SuccessFactors) in all browsers, so I don't think the issue is with the LMS, but rather with my course. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated! My test file is attached. (It is a barebones course for testing LMS communications.)


Christie Pollick

Hi, Rebecca - Thank you for the update and for providing your file; we will do some testing and get back to you as soon as possible with our findings. 

In the meantime, I wanted to ask in relation to your use of Windows 7 using VMWare Fusion on a Mac (which is the same set up I employ). When you are working on a course, are you working from your C: Drive or your desktop, rather than a network drive?

Just to clarify, please see the following information below from the Create, Edit, and Publish Articulate Storyline Courses on Your Local Hard Drive article:

Work on Your Local Hard Drive

Always save and publish to your local hard drive (typically your C: drive). Working on a network drive or an external (USB) drive can cause erratic behavior, such as file corruption, an inability to save changes, and loss of resources.

If you need to place a copy of your project on a network drive or a USB drive for backup or versioning purposes, it's fine to do that after you've closed Storyline. Avoid reopening the project again until you've copied it back to your local hard drive.

Similarly, hosting published output on a network drive isn't supported. Instead, place your content in the location for which it was published. For example, if you published for web, upload your content to a web server; if you published for LMS, upload your content to an LMS, etc.

Hope that helps, and we'll be in touch with the results of our testing shortly. 

Christie Pollick

Hi Rebecca - Thank you for your patience, and while I am not able to test your content in your LMS, I was able to test your course with SCORM in both Chrome and Safari, and also saw the same successful completions you had mentioned. Unfortunately, I could not locate the root of the issue, and feel that it would be beneficial for our Support Engineers to take a closer look for you. If you are comfortable sharing your email address, I would be happy to submit a case for you (and then I will remove your email address from the thread), or if you would prefer to submit the ticket yourself, you would be able to do so using this form

Christie Pollick

Sure thing, Rebecca! I have created your ticket (00620418), and I misspoke earlier when I mentioned I could remove your email from the thread. Now that I have created the ticket, please feel free to click Edit here in the thread to remove that information if you wish. You should be hearing from someone with Support shortly, and I will follow along with your case. :)

Christie Pollick

Hi, Rebecca - It looks like Eloisa from our Support Staff did some testing on your file, and reached out yesterday via email with some options for you to try. For those who may be experiencing a similar issue and come across this thread, I wanted to share that Eloisa suggested the following after being able to successfully view the file:

If you're experiencing issues with content in a learning management system (LMS), see the following article, which outlines common LMS viewing and tracking issues: 

To test AICC content in SCORM Cloud, make one small change before publishing and another after publishing. See this article for details: 

If the issue persists after following the steps in the article above, please open a support case with your LMS provider, your primary source of support for LMS tracking and reporting issues. 

Hope that helps, Rebecca! :)

Rebecca Hinkle

I have not found a solution to this problem. Articulate said the issue is with SuccessFactors, and SuccessFactors says the issue is with the content. I did find that the PHP workaround in the below article does work in all browsers, however, PHP and ASP are not permitted per security policy so we cannot use that solution.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Rebecca for the update - and as Eloise mentioned, she was able to test and successfully have it work in SCORM Cloud using the steps mentioned in that article. You'll want to reach out to your LMS team for additional assistance at this point - and hopefully other users of SuccessFactors and AICC will be able to chime in here and share what they were able to utilize as well.

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