Storyline not talking to LMS?

Dec 01, 2015

Hi all, I have a very simple linear course with a short quiz at the end of 7 questions and pass mark of 80%.

We're running this - along with other SL2 courses - on a Totara LMS. There are a multitude of settings on Totara, all of which I have tried to no avail. The most important ones I presume are that:

  • Completion tracking is enabled
  • Activity completion is of the SCORM module
  • The required minimum score is 80

Unfortunately the LMS refuses to recognise subsequent attempts after the first - even if it is a pass. Also subsequent attempts are not logged in the reporting section, even though the time last accessed is correct.

I have had success by telling the LMS to force a new attempt each time. The grade reporting then lists each attempt and accepts a pass. Unfortunately this also means the learner cannot return to the course to continue from where they left off.

I have tried publishing from SL2 using Passed/Failed & Passed/Incomplete.

Any ideas anyone?

3 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Steven -- Are you experiencing the same behavior when you are testing your course in the SCORM Cloud, as it is the industry standard for LMS testing? You may also find these links on troubleshooting LMS issue to be helpful:

Troubleshooting LMS issues

How to Troubleshoot Your LMS with SCORM Cloud

Please let us know if that information is helpful, and if you do not experience the same issues when testing in the SCORM Cloud, you may want to reach out to your LMS provider directly for additional assistance. :)

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