Storyline's Buggy Undo Button

Apr 05, 2013

Is anybody as frustrated as I am by the close to useless undo button in Storyline? At some random point, deep into a project, the undo button stops functioning .. or, rather it undoes stuff that is not even close to what I have been working on, wiping out a lot of valuable work. 

Please in advance, do not advise to save my work more often. I save my work regularly. I resent losing any work, even recent work, because of a bug in software that should not be there in the first place.

34 Replies
Sean OBrien

This is still not fixed. I have lost so much work do you random lock up / crash of Storyline when pressing the undo button of death. The last one was trying to undo a a graphic paste. Noting fancy like editing a audio file.. Just a Paste. I am also dealing with e font spacing issue and it seems articulate just doesn't listen to its customers. This issue as well as the font issue has been around for a long time.

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