"Submit results" and revisiting the course content

Feb 02, 2018

Hi everybody,

First of all - thank you to everyone here who supports each other! I've been able to learn so much by reading through these forums.

I have a problem that I'm a bit stuck on, and I'm not sure if there is functionality in Storyline for it at all. I'm in the process of setting up a new LMS (LearnDash LMS for WordPress) with GrassBlade xAPI Companion and GrassBlade LRS.

I'm publishing in TinCan, with all of my courses set to "Restricted" navigation, and basing my tracking using quiz results. For those of you familiar with LearnDash, there is a great big button built in where students are able to select "Mark Complete" for sections they've completed - on the honor system! GrassBlade LRS allows a workaround for this, where it automatically marks the course complete or not based on the LRS statements. So far, all of that is working splendidly. 

The ideal functionality that we're trying to end up with us that the student will complete the course, have it be marked complete in LearnDash automatically based on the TinCan statements, and allow the student to move forward to the next section, while still being able to review the slides they've previously viewed.

Currently, once the student completes the course, progress is automatically reset. So in LearnDash it's marked as complete, but if they open up the course again, they can't just jump to slide 15, even though they've already experienced it, but rather have to go through the whole course again.

Am I missing something here? Default setting? I can't seem to find a way to not reset the course. Assuming this is coming from Storyline (currently using Storyline 3), but even if someone can just verify if the limitation is inherent to Storyline, or somewhere else in the chain would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

11 Replies
Wendy Farmer
Michelle D

nce the student completes the course, progress is automatically reset. So in LearnDash it's marked as complete, but if they open up the course again, they can't just jump to slide 15

HI Michelle 

I'm not familiar with LD but do have you checked the resume option set in your course.

If they have been through the course and select to resume where they left off, it 'should' take them back to the last slide and because they have already been through the course, all slides in the menu will be 'visited' so available and not restricted anymore. 

 Here is an article what each of the resume options mean

Michelle D

Hi Wendy,

Thank you for getting back to me. We do use the Resume-On Restart-Always Resume function, and it works properly until the end of the course. I was thinking it might have something to do with the way course reporting (submit: results slide 1.28 and publish: track using quiz results slide 1.28) trigger works or the exit course trigger. 

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Michelle,

You may find that the resume feature doesn't work as you'd expect after you've met the completion requirement for your course—either by viewing the required number of slides or by passing a quiz. Most LMSs consider a course to be in review mode after the tracking requirement has been met. In review mode, resume data is no longer sent to the LMS, which prevents learners from accidentally changing their course status back to incomplete. See this article for more information.

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Michelle,

One way to tell whether this is a Storyline limitation or a LearnDash setting is to test the course in another LMS environment. We like to use SCORM Cloud for this kind of testing because it's industry standard.

You can create your own free SCORM Cloud account right here, or I'd be happy to test it for you. Simply attach your file to a new thread comment, and I'll take care of the testing!

Michelle D

Hi Leslie,

The "review mode" you refer to is exactly what I need! I'm not too concerned about how the student is able to resume, as long as the content remains viewed. It sounds like this is exactly what I need.

And this "review mode" is always determined by the LMS, never through a setting within Storyline?

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Michelle,

I think I misunderstood your issue, but the documentation I shared is still applicable. Glad that Alyssa chimed in and mentioned SCORM Cloud as well, as yes, it indicates that it is something within your LMS (since you could not replicate). You may need to work directly with your LMS Admin to understand how to get those settings as you wish.

Pankaj Agrawal

Hi Michelle,

This is specific to GrassBlade xAPI Companion, and might not apply to other LMSes. 

There has been recent changes in GrassBlade xAPI Companion after suggestions and requests from several customers as well as a need to follow xAPI best practice.

How Articulate Resume works: Articulate and most of the content use an xAPI parameter called "registration id" to track an attempt and all resume data is linked to this parameter. If the value changes, the content assumes that it is a new fresh attempt and doesn't pull the past data. All new resume data is stored with this new registration id value.  

Earlier default GrassBlade behavior:
All attempts of all content used same "registration id" value. This did not change in a new registration or new enrollment or new attempt.

Example of common problem with earlier behaviour: If a company required employees to take Sexual Harrassment  course every year afresh, this behaviour would take the user to completion slide next year instead of requiring him to take the course again. 

New default GrassBlade behavior:
A random registration id is assigned for a user/content combination and it doesn't change till the content is completed.

Once the content is completed, the user exists the course, and then starts again, a new registration id is generated and used.  

This acts as a fresh new attempt and old resume data is not available for it. 

Possible Solution:
To change the behaviour to previous default you can configure the Registration value in the xAPI Content edit page to: 36fc1ee0-2849-4bb9-b697-71cd4cad1b6e

One downside of this change is that some of the users attempts who have current registration value different from 36fc1ee0-2849-4bb9-b697-71cd4cad1b6e will lose their progress.

If you have many xAPI Content, for existing contents you can change it using Bulk Settings download/upload. 

Pankaj Agrawal
Founder, Next Software Solutions
Makers of GrassBlade

Michelle D

That's exactly what I needed. Some of our courses will need to be set up as the "previous default," and some will work best as the new default. It's great to know that we will be able to do both. Easy enough to change, and allows us to utilize both setups. 

Thank you so much (again), Pankaj! You've been incredibly helpful in getting everything set up and troubleshooting with us.

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