Temporarly disabeling swipe function

Nov 12, 2018


In storyline 360 there is the possibility to either swipe or press the next button to go to the next slide. In some of our e-learning modules about safety awareness we have to temporally need to disable the next button so that our learners go trough the entire slide before going to the next slide. With a trigger this is possible. Only we found out that on a tablet it is still possible to swipe through the slides. For now we have disabled this function, so they always need to use the next button. But on a phone or tablet the swipe function is really useful. So I was wondering if there is a possibility to temporally disable the swipe function using a trigger in the similar way as is possible with the next button itself. (With the next button it is possible to hide it when the timeline starts and change the state of the next button to normal when the media completes or the timeline ends). Is there also a way to this with the swipe function?



15 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi there, Dominique!  When the Next button is disabled, you should not have the ability to swipe next, either. 

Can you test this link and tell me if you can swipe to the second slide?  I currently have a trigger that changes the state of the Next button to disabled when the timeline starts on the first slide.

Tell me more about what tablet(s) you're using, and if you can share a link to your output for me to test, that would be great!

Dominique Stolk


Sorry for the late response. But I was very busy the last 2 weeks. I have tested your link, and it works.

Unfortunately I am not allowed tot share one of our e-learning modules, because these are copyright protected.

In the e-learning modules I have disabled the next button by using the trigger: change state of next button to hidden when timeline starts and at the end there is a trigger: change state of next button to normal when media completes. But I can still swipe through the e-learning, because the trigger is only on the button en not on the swiping part

Now you can disable swiping on the story view underneath slide properties (see picture attached). But then swiping isn't possible anymore. When using a tablet or phone swiping is easier then using buttons. So I would rather not disable the swiping possibility. But by temporarily disabling the next button you can't temporarily disable the swiping possibility. We really want to be able to temporarily disable swiping, so that our learners must go through the entire e-learning before completing it. And after completing a slide can swipe to the next slide and not before that. 

Kind regards.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Dominique,

Thanks for sharing some added info, and not to worry, we're still here! 

It sounds like something may be set up differently in your file than with Crystal's example, and I wonder if you'd be able to share it privately? Our team can sign an NDA if needed too. If you can, you can upload to our Support Team here. 

If you can't, could you create a simple 2-3 slide project with the same settings? That way we can confirm what you set up matches what Crystal was using. 

Also, you mentioned you're using Storyline 360, can you also check that you're on the latest version? Update 22 was released this AM, but before that, it was Storyline 360, build 3.21.17083.0

Dominique Stolk

In the attachment an empty file with almost the same settings as in our e-learning modules. Only difference is that it is now triggered on the timeline instead of on a media file. I have just installed to the newest version of articulate 360. The update  you mentioned. But the problem is still there. Here is also a link to the review of the e-learning.


Kind regards,

Dominique Stolk

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Dominique,

Thanks for sharing that. It looks like you're using the "Hidden" state vs. "Disabled" as Crystal suggested. I changed the first slide in your project and uploaded it here, and I'm not able to swipe to the next slide until the timeline ends and the next button becomes normal.  

Since disabled is stopping the functionality of the next button it would also prevent swiping. Hidden is only hiding the button, not preventing the functionality. 

Hope that helps! 

Dominique Stolk


I  just found out that people are still able to swipe to the next slide even when I have disabeled the next button. I have added two triggers: first disabeling the next button and second hidding the next button. Is it possible that the second trigger of hiding the next button disables the trigger voor disabeling the next button? 

Kind regards. 



Lauren Connelly

Hi Dominique,

There is a trigger that is already attached to the "Next" navigation button. It's simple to use. I'll show you what it looks on my end.

Another reason for this issue could stem from the browser/device. I'm attaching a project that has the "next" navigation button disable. Let's make sure you are not able to swipe through.

I'm happy to take a look at your project. Are you comfortable with sharing your project by attaching it to this discussion? If you would prefer to share your project privately, you can do so by using this link and our Support Engineers will take a look. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Dominique,

It seems like that trigger may be impacting the behavior - were you able to test out the link Lauren shared? Were you able to swipe through that one? If so, can you let us know more about the browser and/or devices you were testing on? 

Also, if you can share your file with us, please do so! If you already sent it along to our Support Engineers, let us know and we can follow along there. 

Dominique Stolk


I cannot swipe with the e-learning mentioned by Lauren. But I still can see the next button. We do not want the button to be shown and we want to disable the button including the swiping function. But it looks like that both at the same time isn't possible. The only thing I can think of is  to disable swiping in the story view. But then our learners always need the buttons to go to the next slide and cannot use the swiping function.

Unfortunately I can't share an e-learning, because I signed a non-disclosure contract and with sharing an e-learning I will breach that contract.

Kind regards, 


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Dominique, 

Thanks for confirming that piece, and I'm sorry if that part was lost earlier. You're correct that both cannot be set at the same time. That's something our team is investigating as a possible bug, so we'll keep you posted here once we have additional information to share. 

Becca Levan

Hello Dominique,

I'm happy to return with some exciting news! 🗞

Storyline 360 Update 51 is here, and it introduces several features and bug fixes! Here's the item you'll be interested in:

Fixed: Learners could swipe on mobile devices to move between slides even when navigation was restricted, and swipe gestures were turned off.

Just launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the Update button for each application—details here.

Please let us know if you have any questions or reach out to our Support Engineers directly!