Timer resetting when exiting out of the course

Feb 01, 2016

Hi! I've been doing some testing on an Articulate Storyline exam in our LMS, and it's been doing something very weird. The exam is 90 minutes, and we need the timer to be continuous. So, if the user accidentally exits out of the exam, ideally, the timer continues going, but at the very least, it should pause until they resume the exam. When I exit and go back into the exam when the timer is at, say, 80 minutes, it pauses and resumes, which is fine. However, when the timer is at say, 40 minutes, and I exit and go back into the exam, it goes back to 80ish minutes, which does not work. I have Storyline set so that it "Always resumes." Please help!  

5 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Becca -- Sorry for your troubles, and as you mention that you are testing in your LMS and seeing this behavior, may I also ask if you have had an opportunity to test your course in the SCORM Cloud? You may also find these links on troubleshooting LMS issue to be helpful:

Troubleshooting LMS issues

How to Troubleshoot Your LMS with SCORM Cloud

Hope that helps, and please let us know if issues persist! :) 

Tom Sleeter

Hi Christie,

We're running into a similar issue as Becca.  Here's what's happening:

When a user closes out of an exam (prior to completion) and then re-enters the exam at a later time, both their exam results (and exam timer) are saved.   However, the exam timer refreshes to the last answered question (not the current time). 

So for example the user could start a 30 minute exam at 8am, answer 1 question, close out of it, and then return 5 hours later.  The exam timer would still have ~29 minutes left.  

Is this how the exam timer is intended to work?  And is there any way to customize this so that the exam timer will ALWAYS end at 8:30am (for the example above) regardless of user interaction?


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Tom, 

The timer that you can enable from the Storyline results slide will operate while the users are in the course, so if they exit it'll be paused/stopped. If you need a  course to only be accessible for a set period of time from when the user first opened it, I'd suggest checking with your LMS team to see what options they can enable! 

Let us know if you need anything else! 

Tom Sleeter

We did build a custom LMS timer, but it prevents Storyline functionality (i.e. the exam doesn't get graded upon timer expiration, and we can't use features like Exam Review).

We've decided to add an option that prevents the user from "resuming" an exam after exiting, so that the Storyline exam timer should work as intended.

Thanks for the responses!

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