TinCan API Questions

Aug 17, 2014

So I finally had a few minutes to play around with the TinCan api after reading so much about it. I used the Solar System demo file and uploaded it to my wordpress site (running Learn Dash). I used the Grassblade Xapi plugin and the Grassblade LRS (much cheaper than other options and seems to work nicely).

I attached the log from my LRS regarding my interaction: Lot of information, but somewhat meaningless to me without context. I am not sure if I am missing something with renaming so that the interaction ID's can have custom names. For example "answered 'Question 1' with score 10 (or better yet an answer of *Choice 1'.

I am very excited about the potential of the system, but I am not really sure where to go from here in making the output something usable.

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