Tracking Completions w/ More Than One Results Slide

Jul 29, 2015


Does anyone know how to track completions when you have more than one quiz, and consequently more than one results slide, in a story? (Unique quizzes are targeted for specific sets of users completing the course and it was developed in Storyline 1.)

Any guidance on how to do this would be much appreciated.

Thank you,

- Hiba

6 Replies
Kim Gillham

Hi Hiba,

Follow these steps:

1. Create a FINAL results slide in your story

2. Click Edit Result Slide

3. Click Calculate results for: dropdown and select Selected results slides

4. Click to select each result slide you which to include (See attached capture).

Selecting multiple results slides for course completion

5. Then when you go to Publish and Tracking, select that final result slide as the one to use. (See attached capture).

All the best! :-)

Hiba Ismeail

Hi Kim and Leslie,

Thank you for your responses and I apologize for the delay in mine. Kim, thanks so much for the clear instructions!

The only issue I'm having is that users are not required to complete/pass each quiz in the course. In fact, they only need to complete one unique quiz based on their employment type, so the final results slide is not recording completion correctly. Is there a way to do this whereby if a user passes one of the quizzes that can be captured on the final results slide and they can be marked as passing the entire course?

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