Video needs to continue to play while hidden

Mar 25, 2016

I need to hide a video when a button is clicked, but while hiding that video I also need to have that video continue playing while being hidden. 

When I place the video on a slide layer, the video doesn't continue to play when the layer is hidden. I also can't seem to hide a video on a base layer since it doesn't have any States.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

8 Replies
Michael Hinze
Vanessa Rodriguez

You, sir, are a genius! Thanks so much for the great idea!

Good to hear that my suggestion works. You might want to give Walt`s suggestion a try as well. Even with a motion path set to it`s shortest duration (0.10 sec.) you might still see a `flash` as the video is moved off stage. Covering the video(s) as Walt suggested might provide a more seemless transition.

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