You are offline. Trying to reconnect... message when viewing course on LMS

Dec 15, 2022

Hi there.  We are encountering circumstances where folks are viewing SL courses on our LMS and get this message.  If they close out of the course and relaunch it doesn't seem to be tracking their progress and making them start over. 

Has anyone seen this before and know where the issue might be?


Pinned Reply
Kelly Auner

Hi, everyone!

I have some great news to share. We just released another update for Storyline 360. In Update 76, we’ve included important fixes and new features!

One enhancement we’ve included:

 The lost connectivity alert is now optional. Turn it on in the player properties.

To take advantage of this update, launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer, and click the Update button next to Storyline 360. You'll find our step-by-step instructions here.

Please let me know if you need additional help!

101 Replies
Dianne Holley

Thank you, Eric, for the kind words of welcome. I've been a member of this group for many years, but recently changed my email address, so it only appears that I just joined.

To clarify, I'm a national LMS manager, and I'm asking how to resolve the issue when our users are "frozen." We are a very large, complex organization and editing all our courses will require significant resources (time) for our development teams. In the meantime, I need to let our support staff know how to resolve the problem when it's reported. I've gotten mixed feedback and am not able to replicate the problem myself for testing.

Thank you!

Brooke Hopkins

We started having reports of this about two weeks ago, and the number of reports continues to increase. We've logged a support case (Aimee Pellegrino and I work together for this). We have 400+ courses in our LMS (Cornerstone) so versioning all courses is not a feasible fix.

Is there a tried and true way to get users past the issue once they run into it? I need a short-term workaround so we can help users once they've been stopped by the offline message.

Brooke Hopkins

Hi Monica - we also are seeing the inconsistency with this. Some users get it, others don't. We have a very hard time replicating the issue when its reported to us by a user, but we've got the screenshots and are aware it's happening. 

Have you found anything that consistently allows your users to move forward after they've seen the error?

Brooke Hopkins

Earlier today we were given this response by Articulate:

"Rest assured, this feature has been thoroughly tested by the Product team prior to its release.  After receiving reports of issues with this feature, our Product team had worked with multiple customers and through exhaustive tests we have confirmed that the feature works as designed.

Currently, the customer examples we’ve tested and monitored can’t reproduce the issue and that if it’s consistent for you, then we need your help to get reproduction steps.

We believe that the learners who experienced the issue were in a state where an asset was not being delivered either because of Internet speed or something related to the delivery of the asset from the server."

Everything I have found here sounds as though Articulate is aware that this is a bug - So I was not expecting a response that this is working as expected. 

Monica Wolf

Yes, we have been directing users to clear all Google Chrome browser cache and cookies. Then retry the course and if not working, cancel the course registration and retry it again. The error does not happen every time to every course. I will try to repackage the course and upload it again to see if it works.

Ali Preissinger

Our users are still experiencing this on all devices and browsers. It is random and periodic. It does not happen due to internet connection or speed because we have seen it happen while plugged into company LAN line. Articulate engineers worked with SumTotal LMS and did not find the issues had to do with SumTotal. SumTotal closed out this support ticket. The forum dates back to December with no fix for the issue. It seems like there is more of an issue of courses timing out/freezing/not functioning property, which is why the error message was created in the first place. Unfortunately, it caused more problems than helped. The timing out and freezing is an ongoing issue even with the error message removed. I am hoping that is what is being worked on by articulate engineers. 

Dianne Holley Mountain

We have tried various methods to replicate the issue, but have not been able to. I've been able to replicate the error message, but it goes away when I reconnect. We are doing the recommended html workaround on our mandatory courses due soon, but we are a large organization with too many courses to attempt this for all of them. I did not get a response from Articulate on how users should resolve the problem when they are frozen, but we are sharing communications to users experiencing the problem to 1) try a different computer or browser,  2) to clear their cache and reboot. 

Steven Benassi

Hi Dianne!

Thanks for sharing the feedback and workaround steps you've implemented so far! Sorry to hear the connectivity error message has been a persistent issue for you and your learners. I understand how frustrating this can be!

I've opened a support case on your behalf to put you in touch with our support engineers who will work one on one with you to test out other solutions while we monitor this ongoing issue.

You should be hearing from them shortly!

Kelly Auner

Hi, everyone!

I have some great news to share. We just released another update for Storyline 360. In Update 76, we’ve included important fixes and new features!

One enhancement we’ve included:

 The lost connectivity alert is now optional. Turn it on in the player properties.

To take advantage of this update, launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer, and click the Update button next to Storyline 360. You'll find our step-by-step instructions here.

Please let me know if you need additional help!