Can't afford new character bundle packs. Any ideas?

Sep 19, 2017

Hi all,

I love use the character bundle packs. There is one downside. When creating multiple simulations, its easy to run out of options. This is true for both the animated and realistic characters.

I would love to buy another bundle pack, but cannot justify the cost. My company would need me to demonstrate an ROI to buy additional packs. 

I've tried searching the web for images of characters. Sadly, I find myself limited in their available expressions or they have poor image quality. When looking for animated characters, it's difficult to find a consistent style.

I would love to design them myself but I am not a graphic designer by any means. 

4 Replies
michelle eames


I use freepik (although you will need to attribute the images on a slide somewhere)

They often have characters which you can 'unpick'  the various elements, mouth, eyebrows etc, to create the character you want.  You can do this in photoshop, inkscape (free) or even powerpoint.  I save each element so I can mix and match them later on.



There are loads of options, an some of them even come with elements premade.

It might help a bit!


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