6 Replies
David Price

I have built things like this in the past but I cant share the content as it is systems training for a specific company.  I'm happy to try and answer any questions you may have though.

I'll have a root around and see if I can find any of the old storyboards that might help shed some light on this for you, cant promise I still have them though.

Lesa  Black

Have there been any try me examples since this post? I'm looking for creative ways to use 'Try me' it versus just going with the default. We often use try me versus demos prior to employees getting access to new software so we're trying to think of more creative ways to allow them to "play" in the tools.

Sarah Hodge

Hi Lesa! Absolutely! Simulations are great for providing learners a safe environment to learn a new tool. A few examples come to mind on the topic. 

This example allows learners to explore a new tool on their own: Storyline: Time Tracking App Software Simulation

This example walks learners through different ways to accomplish certain tasks: Storyline: Review 360 Software Sim

I also want to include this article because it has some great tips: 5 Tips for Creating Effective Software Simulations with Storyline 360

And if you're interested in using Rise 360, this example showcases a unique way to teach learners about a new software: Rise 360: Software Training Example

I hope these spark some new ideas!