use of sliders

Feb 03, 2015

Just getting used to using sliders and I see how the community benefits from this feature.  Do you find it best to produce layers when the slider reaches a certain point or is there a better way to showcase information without the use of layers? Not sure I am using the slider feature to its full potential.

Thank you. 

9 Replies
Alexandros Anoyatis

More or less, yes. One number variable (tied to the slider) that gets updated by itself and another variable that triggers the autorotate (which is executed in two layers - one for each rotation side).

The whole purpose of this case, is to have manual and auto rotation work from the last position seamlessly, and maybe add information snippets tied to certain rotations, otherwise it's not really worth the time and effort to build it - you might as well use an xml rotator and fire it up through a web object.
Just my 2c,

Michael Hinze
Alexandros Anoyatis

Wow, Michael, this last example belongs to the showcase, if it's not already there.

After watching all of that, I'm a little reluctant to show my (unpolished) example, which is similar to your 3D rotation interaction. Have a look, if you can forgive the "whiteness" of it all.


Looks nice Alex! For these types of rotations, I think the key is to have  decent 3D model that's nicely lit, just like your phone model.

Michael Hinze
Glen Meyer

Thanks again Michael for the help.  Responding to Alex and his excellent phone rotate example, it appears to me that I set up a slider using variables through triggers.  It that the right path or am I missing something?


When you insert a slider, a variable is automatically created as well. As you move the slider, the variable changes and vice versa. One you get the hang of this concept, the sky is the limit!

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