Adding images to Rise, what is the best image format for clear images?

Feb 15, 2017

Hi All,

Does anyone have suggestions about the best format to use when adding images to Rise and what is the minimum size I can use without them degrading?  I have found that a lot of the images I have become clipped and lose clarity when I add them.



11 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Pam, 

We have some general best practices in regards to images and other media documented here, but if you feel you've adhered to those and are still running into an issue we'd want to take a look at your image file and the Rise course in question - you're welcome to send those along to our Support Engineers here! 

Paris Granville

Thanks, Ashley. Would you wonderful people at Articulate clarify what ratio we should be using for images full width? I render my own, so I can set it to whatever works best. Rise is so amazing and easy that I don't mind being compliant with best practice. Right now I am getting a lot of compression artifacts when I upload an image that is at a banner ratio.  But if I use a regular 4:3 ratio, my Genie's head gets cut off. :-(.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Great question! Rise doesn't cap image height, but image width is capped at 1680 pixels in your published output. You can import images larger than 1680 px wide and let Rise optimize them at 1680 px. In fact, we recommend using the highest quality images possible and letting Rise optimize them for web delivery—with virtually no loss of quality. See this article for more info.

Alyssa Gomez

Hi everyone!

Do you have an image that looks blurry in Rise 360? We've designed a workaround to keep your images looking crystal clear.

If you'd like an image to keep its specific file format and not undergo compression, you can opt-out of image optimization on a case-by-case basis. Add _NOPROCESS_ to the name of your image file. It'll upload and display exactly as you saved it. Keep in mind that the 5GB file size limit still applies, and you could see an increase in your output file size.

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