How do you get the "Step" label removed in the Process Block for Rise 360?

Mar 02, 2022


I am trying to delete the "step" or "rationale" label that is at the top of the process block. Does anyone know where I can do this?


14 Replies
Leah Hemeon

This is problematic. We use process interactions for different reasons. Having them all with the same step label isn't going to work for us when we need it to say different things in one project. 

If Articulate is monitoring this conversation - please bring back the ability to edit step labels at the interaction/block level and not just project-wide.

Linda Lee

I would like to know how to remove the numbers, as I'm using the block to present product features, in no particular order. I'd also like to utilize the Summary card for a third feature. I've seen the Carousel block recommended as an alternative to the Process block, but I'd like to give the image and text equal billing, as well as using the record feature.