Rise 360: A library of custom blocks

Apr 24, 2024

Hey Rise community, I recently had to build a course for Grade 12 computer science and immediately ran into limitations with the available block options.

I ended up creating these 2 custom blocks with Embeds for things like

  • Markdown with syntax highlighting (colour-coded code), since Rise code blocks are very basic.

  • Code editor allowing students to write and run code in the Rise courses.

I'm considering building a library of Rise 360 Embeds, curious if its something the community is interested in?

Goal is to replicate current blocks in Rise, editable in edit mode and view-only in preview/published mode but using embeds. AKA custom blocks.

Some ideas include, advanced graphs, tables, calculators and spreadsheets.

What are some blocks you would love to see in Articulate Rise?

4 Replies
Ali Shuaib

I think the best way would be through an external website.

Simple site with <iframe/> code snippets and showcase for embeds, users can copy paste the snippets into their Rise courses.

Ideally the absolute best way would be to share a folder of block templates, but I don't think Rise has that functionality. Only lets you share with your Team.

Open to ideas