Fred Waymel
Fred Waymel
Responsable production numerique pour eformation at ENTE-CMA
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  • Aix en Provence ,France
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"Hi! I'm working on an old game that i've created a long time ago with storyline 1... In this old time, there was no other possibility t..."
  • over 5 years ago02/15/19 at 8:42 am (UTC)
Fred Waymel started a new discussion No matching drop down into lightbox slide?
"Hi everyone, I've tried to lightbox a quiz into lightbox. For many one, nothing special to say. It's work! But for a "no matching drop do..."
  • over 6 years ago01/15/18 at 2:41 pm (UTC)
"Hi! I'm doing a cleaning operation on one of my first storyline project. In this one I use questions banks and "lonely" questions. I w..."
  • almost 7 years ago08/14/17 at 8:05 am (UTC)
Fred Waymel started a new discussion re using question bank
"Hi everyone, I used to use question bank in my project to allow user to change question each time he launch the quiz. Today I want to a..."
  • over 9 years ago01/09/15 at 10:42 am (UTC)
Fred Waymel started a new discussion animated gif to fill background button
"Hi everyone, i try actually to realise a wall of button to launch video. I've publish with succes a first prototype that is cool. For my ..."
  • over 11 years ago11/15/12 at 2:10 am (UTC)
"i'd like to move some objects or characters on my slides. With Flash it's quite simple but how could i realise this with SL? Thanks"
  • almost 12 years ago07/11/12 at 12:39 am (UTC)
Fred Waymel started a new discussion show a time counter with SL
"I would like to show on each slide of my SL project a time counter. In the past with quizmaker it was possible to play with this option b..."
  • almost 12 years ago07/10/12 at 10:38 pm (UTC)