Hollie White
Hollie White
"I figured out the problem (I was having) and luckily a solution to it as well. For my slider thumb, I created a PNG rectangle with a clea..."
  • 9 years ago05/12/15 at 12:21 pm (UTC)
"I wanted to see if other sliders that I didn't create worked to see if it was just me and I tried opening this example from a past challe..."
  • 9 years ago04/20/15 at 12:35 pm (UTC)
"I am also having this issue. I have created sliders and published for HTML5 output. I opened the course on my iPad in Safari and the slid..."
  • 9 years ago04/20/15 at 12:34 pm (UTC)
"I didn't think so. I submitted a feature request. Thanks."
  • over 9 years ago10/21/14 at 11:52 am (UTC)
"Emily Burnett said: Hello Hollie! You can set each slide properties to Pause the timeline of the Base Layer from the slide properties ta..."
  • over 9 years ago10/21/14 at 11:24 am (UTC)
"Ashley Terwilliger said: HI Hollie, When I look at the pause timeline trigger - my options are "this slide" or "insert a new layer" - ar..."
  • over 9 years ago10/21/14 at 11:23 am (UTC)
Hollie White replied to the discussion Publishing Storyline to CD
"I have a question in regards to creating a hybrid cd. Has anyone has success with creating a CD that will play the published file on a M..."
  • almost 10 years ago08/22/14 at 11:23 am (UTC)
"I am experience lagging as well with HTML5. Has there been anything that can be done with this? It is perfect with the Flash, so I don't ..."
  • over 10 years ago10/22/13 at 6:26 am (UTC)
Hollie White replied to the discussion iOS7 and Storyline
"Micah, you are a life saver! This fix is perfect."
  • over 10 years ago10/02/13 at 10:37 am (UTC)
"Note: I also tried a question bank in which each "question" has a button that would go to a blank results slide. In the results slide I h..."
  • 11 years ago06/11/13 at 9:06 am (UTC)
Hollie White replied to the discussion Video Quality on iPad output
"No worries. I received permission to PM you the files. Let me know if you can help!"
  • 11 years ago05/09/13 at 11:18 am (UTC)
Hollie White replied to the discussion Video Quality on iPad output
"I mentioned above, I published for iPad viewing on the Articulate Mobile Player. I don't use HTML5 because it's still too buggy. Viewin..."
  • 11 years ago05/08/13 at 9:57 am (UTC)
Hollie White replied to the discussion Pause/Play button question?
"No, I leave all those layers static with no activity. I haven't found a way to pause layers with activity beacuse of the sync issues."
  • over 11 years ago01/30/13 at 5:18 am (UTC)
Hollie White replied to the discussion Pause/Play button question?
"Unfortunately the example I have is not allowed to be shown because it's for a client. (If I wasn't able to get it working I would have t..."
  • 12 years ago05/18/12 at 12:28 pm (UTC)
Hollie White replied to the discussion Pause/Play button question?
"@David - I have it set to automatically decide in both instances. I played around with them but am not seeing any difference inĀ  the sett..."
  • 12 years ago05/18/12 at 11:30 am (UTC)
Hollie White replied to the discussion Pause/Play button question?
"I got the play/pause to work on the mast slide and it's awesome! I did run into one problem though and wanted to know if anyone has found..."
  • 12 years ago05/18/12 at 10:46 am (UTC)