Kate Atkinson
Kate Atkinson
The Training Room Online
Kate Atkinson replied to the discussion Audio Issue for HTML5/HTML on Android
"Thank you Christie, this resolved our Issue! Next time we'll check the usual suspect first! ;)"
  • 8 years ago04/20/16 at 3:47 pm (UTC)
Kate Atkinson replied to the discussion Audio Issue for HTML5/HTML on Android
"Thanks Ravindra, we will test this out and see if it works :)  "
  • 8 years ago04/19/16 at 1:05 pm (UTC)
Kate Atkinson replied to the discussion Audio Issue for HTML5/HTML on Android
"The audio is not working - we have tried various audio formats but to no avail."
  • 8 years ago04/19/16 at 11:49 am (UTC)
"Hahahaha thanks Chris, it all seems logical...but I am waiting for the catch! Can't seem to find any specifics relating to the two."
  • over 8 years ago01/05/16 at 2:33 pm (UTC)
"Hi there, just to jump on the bandwagon here - does anyone know if Uperform is compatible with Moodle?  "
  • over 8 years ago01/05/16 at 9:56 am (UTC)
Kate Atkinson replied to the discussion IE 6 and Flash Player 6 HELP!
"Thanks Steve, never thought IE6 would rear it's head again!"
  • over 10 years ago10/16/13 at 5:58 am (UTC)
"Hi there We had this issue too... seems it was not compatible with the Android browser. We had to convert all the drag 'n drops to other..."
  • over 11 years ago03/04/13 at 2:04 am (UTC)
Kate Atkinson replied to the discussion Storyline Start up
"Hi there Jarryd One of the first things you should check is the amount of fonts installed as Royston mentioned. Too many fonts, spoils t..."
  • over 11 years ago01/28/13 at 2:59 am (UTC)
"Hi Bruce The fonts we are using are Francois One, Bebas and Arial Black ~ I will send a Storyline file shortly. We have published it for..."
  • over 11 years ago01/28/13 at 1:32 am (UTC)
Kate Atkinson replied to the discussion Insert Audio into States
"Thanks Phil, I do usually use layers - was just thinking of an alternative method"
  • over 11 years ago01/21/13 at 5:17 am (UTC)
Kate Atkinson replied to the discussion Insert Audio into States
"I have created the above scenario, with each radio button in the set containing audio on the selected states. Nothing plays when I previe..."
  • over 11 years ago01/21/13 at 5:08 am (UTC)
Kate Atkinson replied to the discussion Storyline Update Issues
"Hi Peter My team and I will get a list together for you and report the cases we find... we all LOVE storyline and want it to work well"
  • over 11 years ago01/03/13 at 8:34 pm (UTC)
Kate Atkinson replied to the discussion Storyline Update Issues
"Hi Simon, yes that is what I had to resort to - but it shouldn't be happening none the less!"
  • over 11 years ago01/03/13 at 6:37 am (UTC)
Kate Atkinson replied to the discussion Tracking Question Progress on screen
"Phil Mayor said: add a reference called question, and then add it as a reference on each slide e.g %question% of 6 and on each slide add ..."
  • over 11 years ago10/10/12 at 10:47 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Brett, I shall!"
  • over 11 years ago10/04/12 at 1:18 pm (UTC)
"The line spacing options are not great, also find the height too much - there need's to be a 0.5 option!"
  • over 11 years ago10/04/12 at 3:10 am (UTC)
"Hi everyone, is there any way of pulling the variables from the Storyline project eg: Name, result score directly into the certificate wi..."
  • over 11 years ago10/02/12 at 12:45 pm (UTC)
Kate Atkinson replied to the discussion Distortion/Jumping graphics
"It was only happening in the preview, it must have just have been at a strange zoom percentage..working fine in the published version. I ..."
  • over 11 years ago09/13/12 at 10:47 pm (UTC)
Kate Atkinson replied to the discussion Distortion/Jumping graphics
"I will try that, but it almost seems as if the graphics are distorting a little... just wondering if they need to sit on even co-ordinate..."
  • almost 12 years ago09/12/12 at 12:29 am (UTC)
Kate Atkinson replied to the discussion Question Bank Randomization
"Thanks, I will try that!"
  • almost 12 years ago08/27/12 at 9:37 am (UTC)
Kate Atkinson replied to the discussion Question Bank Randomization
"Thanks Gerry But they are two separate question slides drawing from the same Question Bank, it is totally possible that they might draw ..."
  • almost 12 years ago08/27/12 at 9:29 am (UTC)