Michele Israel
Michele Israel
Owner at Michele Israel Educational Writing and Consulting
Michele Israel replied to the discussion Scrollbar color
"Thanks much, but what I need is within the engage interaction...if the copy exceeds the space that is visible, there is an automatic scro..."
  • 10 years ago05/19/14 at 1:43 pm (UTC)
Michele Israel started a new discussion Scrollbar color
"Hi all...how do you change the color of the scroll bar in an engage interaction? There must be a way...Thx. Michele"
  • 10 years ago05/17/14 at 6:59 pm (UTC)
Michele Israel replied to the discussion STRANGE HAPPENINGS
"PS...with the above, all of the resources disappear, too."
  • 10 years ago05/17/14 at 1:00 pm (UTC)
Michele Israel started a new discussion STRANGE HAPPENINGS
"Hi all...so, not sure what is going on. I have been working on a course. I've revised it, saved it after making changes, etc. However, ea..."
  • 10 years ago05/17/14 at 12:51 pm (UTC)
Michele Israel replied to the discussion Cannot upload in any fashion
"And now, I can't open the file at all...and have saved it under different names."
  • 10 years ago04/21/14 at 10:46 am (UTC)
Michele Israel replied to the discussion Cannot upload in any fashion
"I am having an awful lot of trouble with the program. Two days ago, I got a message that said I had only a trial program and that I had t..."
  • 10 years ago04/21/14 at 10:35 am (UTC)
Michele Israel replied to the discussion Articulate presenter not working
"And I cannot even reactivate because it's not accessing your activation center. I need a response asap"
  • 10 years ago04/19/14 at 1:02 pm (UTC)
Michele Israel started a new discussion Articulate presenter not working
"Am having major problems...I already have purchased Articulate 13...and I am getting a message telling me that m free trial has expired....."
  • 10 years ago04/19/14 at 1:00 pm (UTC)
Michele Israel started a new discussion Cannot upload in any fashion
"Hi all...OK...so... I tried to publish my course as I normally do...and it would not work...I got the message about it not being able to ..."
  • 10 years ago04/18/14 at 11:40 pm (UTC)
Michele Israel started a new discussion Changing font color in pyramid interaction
"Hi there...have been looking around...but can't seem to find a way to change font color of the pyramid segments...the font is white...imp..."
  • 10 years ago04/12/14 at 12:47 pm (UTC)
Michele Israel replied to the discussion Slides skip in published mode
"Great...thanks...but, my challenge of course, now is to redo the slides so that the courses, already published, make sense. I am not a de..."
  • over 10 years ago02/19/14 at 5:53 am (UTC)
Michele Israel started a new discussion Slides skip in published mode
"Hi all...hope this finds you well. So, I developed a course for a client that in preview stage, works just fine. But when published, some..."
  • over 10 years ago02/15/14 at 8:14 am (UTC)
Michele Israel started a new discussion Delayed picture
"Hi...I inserted a picture into a quizmaker ranking question...when I preview, there is a delay...the picture does not enter with the ques..."
  • over 10 years ago01/11/14 at 6:54 pm (UTC)
Michele Israel replied to the discussion HELP, HELP, HELP
"BOB...YOU WERE RIGHT! If you are in NY, let me buy you a cup of coffee...I took out the videos, reduced the materials in resources...and ..."
  • over 10 years ago01/08/14 at 2:17 pm (UTC)
Michele Israel replied to the discussion HELP, HELP, HELP
"Maybe I should remove the videos...let me try that...THANK YOU."
  • over 10 years ago01/08/14 at 10:31 am (UTC)
Michele Israel started a new discussion HELP, HELP, HELP
"Hi...OK...this is a hard one. I have been trying to publish a course to my client's articulate online site. Each time I try to publish, I..."
  • over 10 years ago01/08/14 at 10:20 am (UTC)
Michele Israel replied to the discussion Course won't publish
"Michele again...I tried removing the videos, but that did not change anything...should I send the package to you? I need to get this rect..."
  • over 10 years ago01/06/14 at 8:40 pm (UTC)
Michele Israel started a new discussion Course won't publish
"Hi...this has never happened to me before...I cannot publish my course...I get an error message that says unknown error...nothing has cha..."
  • over 10 years ago01/06/14 at 7:23 pm (UTC)
Michele Israel started a new discussion Inserting video into engage presentation
"Hi...so, I followed the instructions on how to embed a video...this one in an engage interaction...I get the image of the You Tube video ..."
  • over 10 years ago01/06/14 at 5:20 pm (UTC)
Michele Israel started a new discussion Hyperlinks
"I created a series of boxes, each hyperlinked to a specific slide in the presentation. When I run the preview, if I move the cursor to a ..."
  • over 10 years ago12/27/13 at 9:48 am (UTC)
Michele Israel started a new discussion Saving issue
"Maybe my course is corrupted, or something...nothing I save actually gets saved...what is happening?"
  • over 10 years ago12/16/13 at 4:48 am (UTC)
Michele Israel started a new discussion Unexpected challenge
"So, up until now, Quizmaker 13 has been working pretty well. I am revising elements of a course I developed, and no matter how many times..."
  • over 10 years ago12/15/13 at 6:54 pm (UTC)
Michele Israel replied to the discussion Using slide master
"I am having the same issue...also, how do we get announcements about updates?"
  • over 10 years ago12/15/13 at 4:42 pm (UTC)
"Thank goodness for this post...I wonder why in changing elements of the program for the 13 version, access to some controls are more diff..."
  • over 10 years ago12/01/13 at 1:12 pm (UTC)
Michele Israel replied to the discussion Help with Quizmaker 13
"Sort of...I understand what I did, but it seems strange not to be able to save the entire file, with Articulate changes, as a new package..."
  • over 10 years ago11/21/13 at 9:57 am (UTC)