kristian chartier
kristian chartier
kristian chartier started a new discussion Variable Slide Size
"I'm stumped and I'm hoping the hive mind can help.  I'm working on a course that's designed primarily for mobile delivery. We're tying t..."
  • 5 years ago03/12/19 at 3:20 am (UTC)
kristian chartier started a new discussion Volume Control on Player Doesn't Adjust Sound in Video
"Since installing SL360 build 17 I've lost the ability to control audio contained in videos using the volume slider in the player. This pr..."
  • almost 6 years ago07/18/18 at 8:01 pm (UTC)
kristian chartier started a new discussion Error: Garbled Text
"Hi everyone,  I've run into a couple of errors that I haven't seen before and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions. As you can ..."
  • almost 8 years ago08/25/16 at 12:43 pm (UTC)