susan causier
susan causier
training manager at alachua county board of county commissioners
"Thanks so much for the walk through. For us beginners, it makes all the difference in the world!"
  • almost 9 years ago08/12/15 at 7:25 pm (UTC)
susan causier replied to the discussion New Illustrated Character - Alex
"Great character!  Thanks so much for sharing."
  • over 10 years ago10/15/13 at 10:28 am (UTC)
susan causier replied to the discussion Interactive eLearning for compliance
"Me too!  Local government requires multiple compliance training programs - would love to convert to something useable, retainable and int..."
  • over 10 years ago10/15/13 at 10:18 am (UTC)
susan causier commented on the download FAQ Callout Tags
"These are great!  Thanks for sharing."
  • over 10 years ago09/13/13 at 6:35 am (UTC)
susan causier replied to the discussion New- Whiteboard/Cork board Office Theme
"Thanks, Rebecca. I was originally in Chrome, so on your suggestion, tried IE and Firefox.  No luck on any of them. Thanks for the sugges..."
  • over 10 years ago09/10/13 at 8:14 pm (UTC)
susan causier replied to the discussion New- Whiteboard/Cork board Office Theme
"Is there something I must do to extract an xml file?  The only file that will open when I extract it is the media file! Thank you!"
  • over 10 years ago09/10/13 at 6:36 pm (UTC)
susan causier replied to the discussion Build Character Interactions in Storyline
"Very useful!  Appreciate you sharing!"
  • 12 years ago05/23/12 at 9:09 am (UTC)
susan causier commented on the download Soft Pixel Backgrounds - 01
"Love the backgrounds - another one of your "why didn't I think of that" tips! Thank you!"
  • 12 years ago04/14/12 at 9:46 am (UTC)