susan causier
susan causier
training manager at alachua county board of county commissioners
susan causier replied to the discussion New Illustrated Character - Alex
"Great character!  Thanks so much for sharing."
  • over 10 years ago10/15/13 at 10:28 am (UTC)
susan causier replied to the discussion Interactive eLearning for compliance
"Me too!  Local government requires multiple compliance training programs - would love to convert to something useable, retainable and int..."
  • over 10 years ago10/15/13 at 10:18 am (UTC)
susan causier replied to the discussion New- Whiteboard/Cork board Office Theme
"Thanks, Rebecca. I was originally in Chrome, so on your suggestion, tried IE and Firefox.  No luck on any of them. Thanks for the sugges..."
  • over 10 years ago09/10/13 at 8:14 pm (UTC)
susan causier replied to the discussion New- Whiteboard/Cork board Office Theme
"Is there something I must do to extract an xml file?  The only file that will open when I extract it is the media file! Thank you!"
  • over 10 years ago09/10/13 at 6:36 pm (UTC)
susan causier replied to the discussion Build Character Interactions in Storyline
"Very useful!  Appreciate you sharing!"
  • 12 years ago05/23/12 at 9:09 am (UTC)