Interactive Maps: Where Do You Live? #86

Interactive Maps #86: Challenge | Recap

Challenge of the Week

This week your challenge is to show us where you live by creating an interactive map of your town or city. You can use any combination of photos, audio, and video to create your interactive map.

In previous challenges, you created webcam videos to introduce yourself, shared how you work as course designers, showed us your e-learning portfolios, and even told us what you don’t like hearing as an instructional designer.

This week, we want you to show us all about your city or town with an interactive map. Showcase your favorite attractions, tourism spots, points of interest, or places that are special to you.

Interactive Map Ideas

  • Photo tour of your favorite coffee shops restaurants
  • Top 5 places to visit in your city
  • Video interview 3-5 people
  • Take a photo walk around your city
  • Music landmarks in your city
  • History and landmarks

Share Your E-Learning Work

  • Comments: Use the comments section below to share a link to your published example and blog post.
  • Forums: Start  your own thread and share a link to your published example..
  • Personal blog:  If you have a blog, please consider writing about your challenges. We’ll link back to your posts so the great work you’re sharing gets even more exposure.
  • Twitter: If you share your demos on Twitter, try using #ELHChallenge so your tweeps can track your e-learning coolness.
  • Facebook: Share your work on our Facebook page by replying to this Facebook post with a link to your example.

Last Week’s Challenge:

Before you map out your interactive ideas, check out the rapid prototypes your fellow community member shared in last week’s challenge:

Rapid Prototypes and Wireframes in E-Learning

Rapid Prototypes and Wireframes Recap #86: Challenge | Recap

Wishing you a map-tastic week, E-Learning Heroes!

New to E-Learning Challenges?

The weekly challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.

Michael Hinze
Chuck Jones

Sorry so late on this submission. I submitted my first challenge (soundboard) a few weeks ago. I had no idea when I was learning Storyline at the time this "show us where you live" challenge was posted (and creating my first cool project) that what I was creating would actually fit this challenge beautifully. Having said that, the project I created differs slightly from the requirements - although I'm going to try to get off on a technicality. "Show us where you live." OK - for three days every year, I live aboard a cruise ship docked at the Royal Naval Dockyard in beautiful Bermuda. Does that count? Here, then, is my submission: an interactive map of some of the coolest places to visit in Bermuda. The photos are my own, my wife's, and my sister's. Enjoy! http://www.learningonio... Expand

David Anderson
Correy Adams

Exploring Toledo, Ohio Link to course on Articulate Review: Hi! I'm new to the challenges, so I went all out on this one for you guys! I hope you like it! :) I could have done this simply in Rise, but I'm new to Storyline (a Captivate girl!) :) --and wanted to learn it, so I used Storyline. Note: I was trying to host it via Bitballoon (and get a sharable link from that) but it said it can't find the "index.html file"... I tried renaming the "story_html5" file to index.html but that didn't work. It's odd because just dragging my Rise project zip folder to Bit Balloon worked before... but this project was a Storyline 2 file published for web. --It's always something. Let me know... Expand

Correy Adams
Holly Castellow