Converting View mode to Try me mode

Jun 13, 2012

When editing a recording of my screen I must select either modes, View/Try/Test.

I have quite a few changes in the recording to make, and when having finished the first mode,- View, I would like to use THAT modified version of the recoding as a starting point for my Try mode.

I tried picking up the scene from the Insert/Recording menu - but I always get the "raw" version as a starting point.

I tried duplicating the View mode and find a way to convert it - no luck,

It would save me a lot of time and effort if you could give me some insight in how to do this little trick

38 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Welcome to E-Learning Heroes, Namrata!

If it's working when previewing, I'm wondering if there's an issue with how it's being viewed after you've published.

You mentioned that you're wanting to publish the course for an LMS, but are you uploading to the LMS before viewing the project, or are you viewing the published content locally? 

If you view published Storyline content on your local hard drive or send it to someone else to view on their local hard drive, you'll encounter security restrictions from the computer, web browser, Flash Player, and network that'll cause various features of your content to fail.
To properly test your published content and share it with others, upload it to the environment for which it was published. Please review the following article for details:
Darryl Smith

Hi, is there any update to this? I have submitted a feature request and I assume other posters have.

It would improve the software greatly and more than halve the time it takes me to create stories if I didn't have to perform all of my screen recording edits three times for every slide.

I know I can insert an original screen recording, but is it now possible, or are there plans to make it possible to insert an edited view mode screen recording into try mode? Please say yes....

Wendy Farmer

Hi Kate

once you have made the recording you can re-use it by selecting any mode.

To insert an existing screencast you previously recorded, go to the Slides tab on the ribbon, click the Record Screen drop-down arrow, and choose a screencast. Then select the option to insert it as Step-by-step slides.

Here is the tutorial

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Kate,

The different modes are built in options of the screen recording, so there isn't a way to convert one to the other. You could look at inserting in the screen recording as test mode in a new scene, and then you could copy/paste the elements you'd modified in Try mode to your Test mode set up. 

Andrew Baker

I wish I'd read this thread a couple of days ago! However, I came up with a potential solution that works during preview and when published to CD which will hopefully work just as well when uploaded to LMS.

I added a 'pause timeline when timeline reaches 1 second' trigger to each slide. I need to set it for one second as there are some other actions triggered when the timeline starts that I needed to make sure happened.

Not quite a one click solution but much easier than trying to recreate it all again.