Converting View mode to Try me mode

Jun 13, 2012

When editing a recording of my screen I must select either modes, View/Try/Test.

I have quite a few changes in the recording to make, and when having finished the first mode,- View, I would like to use THAT modified version of the recoding as a starting point for my Try mode.

I tried picking up the scene from the Insert/Recording menu - but I always get the "raw" version as a starting point.

I tried duplicating the View mode and find a way to convert it - no luck,

It would save me a lot of time and effort if you could give me some insight in how to do this little trick

38 Replies
Donna Yager

I'm just beginning with the view/try/test modes and am discovering this same issue from 5 years ago and wonder if 360 has any new features that allow me to go from my modified view recording to 'try me' mode? 

If not, I guess I just learned how important it is to heavily script and perform steps so NO editing/mods are done to more easily convert from one mode to another!

Greg Brown

Hi Crystal,

I have a feeling there hasn't been any progress here, but I just wanted to check before I did the same work another one or two times . . . Has the ability to convert slides from "Try" or "View" or "Test" mode to another mode been added yet? I hate to beat a dead horse, but it is rather depressing that this feature request was made ~6 years ago, and still has no solution. I'm currently in the process of evaluating Articulate 360 alongside Adobe Captivate, and while I love the Rise feature and overall look/feel of the Articulate apps, it's a shame that certain rather important functionality (like this, the ability to copy or have a persistent zoom across slides while editing, etc.) seems to be missing on the Articulate side.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Greg,

Thanks for reaching out, sharing your thoughts, and bringing this back to our attention.

I wanted to share some information about how we manage these feature requests as that may be helpful.

I gathered the ones sent to us so far as well as a couple of conversations, including this one, from the forums so that our team can take a closer look.

Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Andreas.

Thank you for reaching out!

The original recording can be inserted as View, Try, or Test Mode. 

Once your first recording is done, you can choose it again from the list of videos (under Slides > Record Screen).

Windows 10 (1) 2021-04-15 at 3.54.49 PM

You will be presented with the options and will be able to pick a different mode to be used.

Windows 10 (1) 2021-04-15 at 3.55.35 PM

Let me know if this helps!

Jina Ali

Hi Marie, 

Found this tip from another thread: 

Summarised below.

  • Go to Home>Record Screen drop-down (see attached screenshot View to Try Mode 1.png)
  • You will see a list of your recordings. Select the one that says In Use (see attached screenshot View to Try Mode 1.png).
  • The Insert Slides window opens again and you can re-chose your options to Try Mode Steps,  and Insert Slides in New Scene (if you want to create a new Scene for the Try-mode version). See attached screenshot View to Try Mode 2.png.
Steven Benassi

Hi Katie!

Thanks for checking in on this! I don't have any updates to share at this time as our team prioritizes other features, but I've included your voice in the report!

You're in the right place and we'll update this discussion as soon as we have any news regarding this feature. Also, here's a closer look at how we manage feature requests that you may find helpful.