Storyline 360 icon library issue

Mar 29, 2017

Hello all,

Hoping someone can help me with this, for some reason with certain icons in the new 360 library, when I select the icon I want and press insert it shows up microscopic and in the corner, then when I try to make it larger it's just blank there's nothing there. Will attach screenshots.


This is what happened once insertedthis is what it looked like enlargedThis is the icon I selected

21 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jessica,

Thanks for reaching out here and sharing that - I'm seeing the same thing, so I'm going to log it as a possible software bug. From here, I’ll meet with my team to take a closer look so we can determine next steps. Sometimes my team catches errors in my logic and we don’t have a bug after all. Of course, if that’s the case, I’ll let you know!

If you had any other information to share about Windows version you're using, or other icons that are causing you trouble let me know. 

Depending on priority and risk, some bugs can be fixed quickly, while others take longer to resolve. Here's more information on how we identify and tackle bugs.

I’ll let you know as soon as we have an update on this issue. Thanks so much again for letting us know about this, and I’m sorry if it’s slowing you down.

Ali Goulet

Hey Louisa and Jessica!

Great news - Articulate 360 Update 5 is now available! It includes a number of fixes detailed in the release notes here.  

The item you may be interested in is how it fixed the issue where some Content Library icons were blank or invisible after inserting them into Storyline

Launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the “Update” button next to each tool.

Let us know if you have any questions!

Leslie McKerchie

Hello Pia and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

Thanks for letting us know that you are utilizing the latest update. 

Are you seeing exclamation points instead of the icons? I've seen this issue reported for users that are behind a firewall.

This article will usually assist with allowlist the appropriate sites needed. Perhaps your IT team will be able to assist if needed.

If that's not what you are seeing, a screenshot would be helpful. 

If that does describe your issue, and the instructions above do not correct it for you, please reach out to our support engineers here for further assistance.

Stephanie Brown

Hello I am having a similar issue. 

When I click the icon button, it brings up the pop up window for the content library selection. No matter how often I click the dropdown for Icon, it doesn't show icons. It only shows the photo library and illustration library. The ONLY work around I have is literally to restart storyline each time I want to input an icon. Then it works fine. 

Leslie McKerchie

Oh no Stephanie!

Were you able to allowlist the sites as the article I shared above indicated?

If you are having general issues with your software, you may want to consider a repair.

Of course, if you've gone through that troubleshooting and still experiencing difficulty, please reach out to our support engineers here.

Welcome to E-Learning Heroes by the way :)

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Louisa for reaching out as well. I see that Stephanie reached out to our Support Team and Victor was first checking to confirm if she was on the latest update of Storyline 360 (Update 9). 

If you're also on the latest version and still running into trouble - can you reach out to our team as well? They'll check into a few more things. 

Joyce Maurin


I'm facing a similar bug. I first thought my file could have been corrupted but the problem is still here if I open a new file to do my test.

Fun fact: it's not every icon as you can see on my attached print screen. Did you find a reason?

(I have updated my 360 version but it's still the same)

Maybe they are not supported icons but it would be great to remove them from the library then.

Best regards

Joyce Maurin

Hi Leslie,

Yes, of course !

The search terms are in the name of the icons (all "wrong" and one "us" as a try).

Find some random icons I've tried attached for this answer (green = worked, red = didn't work) as I don't remember the ones I tried before.

Best regards,

Ren Gomez
Hi Everyone,
Update 45 for Storyline 360 is live: We fixed the issue where some Content Library 360 icons were blank when inserted into a project, and they could cause Storyline 360 to crash.

Thanks for raising this, and let us know if you have any feedback!

This discussion is closed. You can start a new discussion or contact Articulate Support.