Viewing Articulate 360 Content in SharePoint Online

May 20, 2022

Enabling Custom Scripts in SharePoint Online

Custom scripts are now disabled in SharePoint Online for security reasons by default. As a result, Articulate content with the story.html file renamed to story.aspx in the published output that previously worked with SharePoint Online might not work anymore.

If you don't need to track learners' progress or results, check out these free or low-cost options for web hosting.

If you need to use SharePoint Online, your SharePoint admin may be able to resolve this issue by following the steps below, depending on whether or not you need access immediately. (Note that we don't provide support for either workaround.)

Enabling Custom Script via the SharePoint Admin Center

If you don't need instant access, follow these steps.

  1. Go to the SharePoint admin center and sign in with your credentials.
  2. In the sidebar to the left of the page, click Settings. (If you're using the Modern admin center, click the classic settings page hyperlink at the bottom of the Settings page.)
  3. Scroll to the Custom Script section, then select the options to Allow users to run custom script on personal sites and Allow users to run custom script on self-service created sites.
  4. Click OK to save your changes. Note that this change may take up to 24 hours to appear.

Enabling Custom Script in SharePoint Online via PowerShell

For instant access, follow these steps.

  1. Open Windows PowerShell with admin privileges, then run Install-Module -Name PnP.PowerShell

    Installing PnP Module in Command Prompt
  2. Run this command: Connect-PnPOnline -Url <url> -PnPManagementShell (replace <url> with your SharePoint URL, which will then generate a code for you to insert in your SharePoint admin center.)

Creating Auth Code for PnP Module in Command Prompt

  1. Run these commands in PowerShell: (replace the URL after -Url in the first command with the link to your static site collection, such as
    (If you need help creating a SharePoint site, refer to this article from Microsoft.)
  1. Connect-PnPOnline -Url 
  2. $site = Get-PnPSite 
  3. Set-PnPSite -Identity $site.URL -NoScriptSite $false

Your SharePoint site is almost ready to host HTML files! We just need to prepare the Articulate published output for upload. Here's how.

  1. In SharePoint, choose where you will locate this project. You can create a new folder or use the Documents location created by default with all SharePoint sites.
  2. Rename all the files with an .html extension in your unzipped published output folder to .aspx (keep the same file name). To do this, right-click the file and choose Rename and then replace .html with .aspx. (Most projects only need to have both the analytics-frame.html and story.html files renamed.)

Files notated with aspx change

  1. Upload the published output to your SharePoint site, then click story.aspx to launch your Articulate course. This change should take effect immediately.
59 Replies
Indrani Sen

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Yes, we will be using LMS as well. This was actually for a person who does not have LMS or our LXP access.

It seems we are using

I am looking into this with a system admin today and will keep you posted. Feeling comfortable until this issue is resolved.

Steven Benassi

Hi Teltonika loT Group!

I just wanted to pop in and share that making changes to the published output could have unintended consequences or potential for mistakes, which is why we're unable to offer support for it.

I would defer this inquiry to our knowledgeable community members who may have some suggestions or insight to offer!

Bob Mongiovi

Hi Inga,

You would want to do this prior to uploading to SharePoint.  I don't believe Sharepoint allows you to change the extension of files, at least from what I've seen.  In most cases, it should only be one file.

Any issues with the course itself should be dealt with by Articulate Support prior to renaming this HTML file.  Once issues are fixed, renaming that file and uploading to SharePoint should be seamless.

Jennifer Brown

2. Change Story.HTML to Story.ASPX in the output folder

If it's going on SharePoint, any .HTML files will need to be changed to .ASPX file. It is very simple extension change on Windows, simply done in Windows Explorer. I cannot speak for other operating systems.

Viewing the contents of the Output Folder in Windows Explorer:
A: Open up the output folder
B: Slow-click twice to edit file name of a file with .HTML extension
C: Change extension from .HTML to .APSX
D: Click Yes on the warning message "do you want to change it

Note that slow-click just needs a couple seconds, as rapid-click twice will launch the file, versus edit the file.

Indrani Sen

Thank You so much, Jennifer.

I did all that and still it does not work. Also, I am conversation with Sharepoint admin. Hoping that they will be able to resolve this issue.
With appreciation,


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Mary Aversa

Sadly, the fix doesn't work for me either, but thank you for sharing what worked for you Jennifer! The .aspx file only downloads and doesn't launch anything...same behavior as the .html. I just really wish Articulate hadn't disabled the ability to embed a course in an iframe using the Share link! I have a Rise "course" that isn't actually a course, it's guidelines for creating training, and I thought I'd create interactive guidelines with videos and dynamic content embedded to underscore the importance of interactivity and demonstrate microlearning, etc., but I have to either host it on our LMS, which I will not do...the guidelines shouldn't feel like I'm tracking the user's progress...or just post a pdf version of the Rise course, which defeats the whole purpose. BOO!! Sharepoint is such a common intranet platform; I really wish Articulate would work with us on a solution that would work in Sharepoint. The iframe "share" embed was such a great solution. I'm very sad Articulate took that ability away. :(

Jennifer Brown

Mary, I'm sorry to hear that.

We know that can run Rise content by switching the .HTML file extensions to .ASPX. This also works for Storyline 3. So the issue is not with in general. Current versions, published for web, clean output folders.

So that means something else is going on to prevent playing the content. It may require working with your SharePoint Administration team, and/or your IT security team that determines what kinds of files may run on SharePoint or on websites for your organization.

Are you certain that you are using and not a legacy version of SharePoint?

I ask because there are many versions of SharePoint. If you do not see in your SharePoint URLs, then it's 99.9% certain that you are using an On-Premise version of SharePoint, and not

If you are using On-Premise SharePoint, it's older, and may not meet current browser standards. For Reasons best known by your SharePoint Admin team, your IT departments, your budgeting folks. It will definitely require your SharePoint Admin team and likely someone from an IT security team that needs to be contacted (possibly "perimeter security"). And in which case, you have my condolences, because it's really hard to get the assistance that you need to resolve the issues because the root causes are not straightforward, and IT teams tend to be highly specialized and don't handle fuzzy issues.

IT support for this kind of issue is not straightforward. My best recommendation is to ask your SharePoint Admin team (not site owners, but the actual admins) to look into it and to work with IT security about what files are allowed to run on your SharePoint. Make them aware of the business needs. Ask them to look at the files in the SharePoint folder so they can identify which files may be causing issues. They may need to adjust something to allow the Rise course to play. But they should be able to resolve it.

Best of luck. I do know how challenging this can all be.

Beth Barber

This really comes down to power SP admin users. Most of us with this question will not be able to do this with SP if you aren't a power SP admin, let alone if you ask IT for that admin priviledge or having them do it so many issues that make my head hurt, so...

Solutions I have thought about as workarounds...

 - have them view the file in Review360 (just don't have the option to come back to where you left off and why you need an LMS or access to a website with FTP options at admin level, most don't)

- or throw it into Amazon Services (some may not want to do this and I think there is also a cost depending on file storage)

- other option and I really think it's a headache is to hack the Google Drive (it can be done, however, it's a big old headache)/Google Cloud to get it to play just like the steps to see that you don't have those SP level permissions to go into the powershell or let alone setup a file even with changing aspx because it keeps looping to HTML and you never get it to run.

Easiest options - Review360, you want people to be able to come back in and it save where you last left off? Then do it in an LMS. 

Jennifer Brown

Question for those of you who are having issues putting Storyline published to Web on SharePoint; what type of site are you using?

SharePoint comes in different flavors, and current, modern SharePoint is either a Communications site, or a Teams site.

I use a communications site and have no issues. But someone in our organization reached out about issues, and we realized that were trying to publish to a teams site.  

On a communications site, I create a regular library and drop the output folder contents in after changing the two .HTML file extensions to .ASPX. It works correctly. If I put the same content in a folder in a library, it behaves differently, and downloads the story.aspx file, which is the behavior I currently see on a teams site.  I'll keep researching, but that may be why some are experiencing issues. 


Pamela Smith

Hoping someone can help. My company does not have an LMS and SharePoint is my only option. I have published my course as Web for Articulate Storyline. 

I think I have followed all the steps but when I link to the story.aspx file it only shows a blank page and wants to download. I have my library and all the files and am using 

Any ideas? This will be my first course and I really need to be able to get this one out there!

Bob Mongiovi

Probably best to change the name of that file prior to uploading to SharePoint.  SharePoint usually doesn't let you change the extension name.

To do so on your computer, if you do not see extensions on your files, you can always open the story file in notepad, then do a save as, and change the name to story.aspx there, then upload that file.

Hayley  Lawes

Hi Jennifer 

Hoping you can help. I am using a SharePoint Communications site. I am the admin and owner lord of all (lol) but I still can not get it to open and play the file.

I have created a document library, renamed the files, dropped the whole folder in and nothing? I've attached an photo of how it appears. It just shows as a blank page and wants to download. It does ask me how it would like me to open ASPX files? any ideas  I'd greatly appreciate it.

IS there a particular program you ASPX files are set to open with?

Thanks  Hayley

Jennifer Brown

Do make sure you change file extensions before upload. Doing so after uploading to SharePoint won't work.

Also doesn't work straightforwardly on Teams SharePoint.

Unfortunately I'm not able to do more research for at least a few more days but I have noticed some folks attempting this try changing the file extensions after being uploaded to SharePoint.

Before uploading, look for the HTML files and change them to ASPX.