Community members often ask how to add and display a learner’s name in their Storyline 360 courses. I love that feature because it’s a really simple way to personalize your project and boost learner engagement. Let me walk you through this easy three-step process to show you how.
1. Add a text-entry box to capture the name
The first thing you’ll want to do is insert a text-entry field where learners will input their name. From the Insert tab select Input and then choose Text Entry Field.
From there, you can format your text entry any way you want.
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A best practice is to include both a simple instruction telling the user what text to enter and a button to click to submit that information. This button can have a trigger that links to the next slide in your course.
2. Edit the variable associated with your text-entry field
Next, rename the variable associated with your data-entry field. By default, a variable named “TextEntry” will be assigned to the text-entry field, but it’s a good best practice to give your variables meaningful and descriptive names.
Open the variable manager by clicking the Manage Project Variables icon in the trigger panel and then double-clicking on the TextEntry variable that Storyline 360 just created.
Click inside the name field and rename the variable “LearnerName” or something similar that describes the variable. Be sure to leave the default value blank so no information appears until the user enters his or her name.
3. Insert a variable reference to display the name
Now that you’ve created the text-entry field where the learner enters his or her name, and you’ve stored the information in a variable with a clear and descriptive label, the final step is to show the user name inside a caption further along in your course. You do this by inserting a reference to a variable.
Insert a text-entry box and type the text you want to appear on the slide. Now, with the cursor inside the textbox, choose the spot where you want to reference the user’s name. On the Insert tab, you’ll see the Insert Reference icon.
Click that icon to insert a reference to that variable everywhere you want your user’s name to appear.
And that’s all there is to it! In just a few clicks, you’ve added a personal touch to your e-learning course. And if you’re in a hurry, save yourself a little time and download this template.
Do you have any tips or best practices about using text variables in Storyline 360? If you do, leave a comment below. We love to hear your feedback!
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