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Challenge Recaps

50+ Custom Menu Navigation Examples in E-Learning #358

DavidAnderson's avatar
3 years ago

Custom Menus & Navigation Examples RECAP #358: Challenge | Recap

Learn how course designers go beyond the built-in navigation options by creating custom menus and tables of contents in e-learning. Menu layouts include animated tabs, flip cards, timelines, drop-downs, and more!

Melissa Mendez

Example | Melissa Mendez

Ingrid Cuthbert

Example | Ingrid Cuthbert

Yvonne Urra-Bazain

Example | Yvonne Urra-Bazain | Website

Farah Azadeh

Example | Farah Azadeh

Alicia de Billy

Example | Alicia de Billy

Jonathan Hill

Example | Jonathan Hill | Website | @DevByPowerPoint

Katelin Jordan

Example | Katelin Jordan

Deirdre O'Reilly

Example | Deirdre O'Reilly

Jodi Sansone

Example | Download (.story) | Download (.ai) | Jodi Sansone | Website | @jodimsansone

Danny Benton

Example | Danny Benton | Website

Chris Hodgson

Example | Learn more | Chris Hodgson | Website | @skriss

Jordan Peel

Example | Jordan Peel

Haley Northrup

Example | Haley Northrup

Benjamin Bouvier

Example | Benjamin Bouvier | Website

Charlotte Bouvier

Example | Charlotte Bouvier | Website

Samara Reyneke

Example | Download | Samara Reyneke

Ron Katz

Example | Ron Katz | Website

Karole Dawson

Example | Karole Dawson

Danny Benton

Example | Danny Benton | Website


Example | E S

Samantha Bricknell

Example | Samantha Bricknell

Anuradha Gopu

Example | Anuradha Gopu | Website | @AnuradhaGopu

Jonatan Ben-Ami

Example | Jonatan Ben-Ami

Steve Morey

Example | Steve Morey

Ang CM

Example | Download | Ang CM

Ose Ndebbio

Example | Ose Ndebbio | Website

Heather Barlow

Example | Heather Barlow

Doris Chwist

Example | Doris Chwist

Isabel Radaelli

Example | Isabel Radaelli

Karin Lorbeck

Example | Karin Lorbeck

Neala Spear

Example | Neala Spear | Website

Elly Henriksen

Example | Elly Henriksen

Morten Holdt

Example | Morten Holdt

Sharon Plunk

Example | Sharon Plunk

Frederic Brewer

Example | Frederic Brewer

Danny Benton

Example | Danny Benton | Website

Scott Wilson

Example | Scott Wilson

Yekaterina Martynova

Example | Yekaterina Martynova

Andrei Rakitin

Example | Andrei Rakitin

Laura Gutiérrez

Example | Laura Gutiérrez

Nick Russell

Example | Nick Russell | Website

Chris Digital

Example | Chris Digital

Nathanial Hilliard

Example | Download | Nathanial Hilliard

Dennis Gifford

Example | Dennis Gifford

Dwight Daly jr.

Example | Dwight Daly jr.

Heidi Rocha

Example | Heidi Rocha

Preethi Ravisankar

Example | Download | Preethi Ravisankar

Pete Rix

Example | Pete Rix | Website

Veronica Nalley

Example | Veronica Nalley

Paul Alders

Example | Download | Paul Alders | Website | @paulalders

Norma Johnson

Example | Norma Johnson

Daniel Cañaveral

Example | Daniel Cañaveral

Erin Carmola

Example | Erin Carmola

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The weekly challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.

If you have a blog, please consider writing about your challenges. We’ll link back to your posts so the great work you’re sharing gets even more exposure. 

If you share your demos on Twitter, please include #ELHChallenge so your tweeps can track your e-learning coolness.

Share Your Custom Menu Examples!

The table of contents challenge is still open! If you have one or more ideas you'd like to share, please jump over to the original challenge and post your links in the comments section. I'll update this recap page to include your examples.

Published 3 years ago
Version 1.0