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E-Learning Challenges

How Can You Use Pantone's Color of the Year 2016 in E-Learning? #111

DavidAnderson's avatar
9 years ago

Pantone Color of the Year #111: Challenge | Recap

It’s definitely one of my favorite challenge months, thanks to the premiere of Star Wars and Pantone's announcement of Color of the Year 2016. We honored Star Wars in last week's challenge. This week, it's all about Rose Quartz and Serenity! 

Here’s a quick Q&A with details about the color of the year:

Q. What is the color of the year?

A.  Each year Pantone declares a particular color the “Color of the Year.” This is the 16th year Pantone has declared a color of the year.

Q. Why is this a big deal?

A. The color of the year is a big deal because it will influence design, fashion, home interior, and consumer product trends in the upcoming year.

Q. How do I use the colors in e-learning?

A.  You can find some color pairings and color formulas over at Pantone’s website. For ideas on using the colors in e-learning, you can check out our 2014 and 2015 color of the year challenges.

Challenge of the Week

This week your challenge is to design an e-learning template or interaction using Rose Quartz and Serenity as the primary colors.

Your slides can be static or built out as working interactions. Your goal is to work from a single color and show how you will carry that color across your design templates.


If you’re looking for design ideas, consider reworking one of the free templates in our downloads section. Since the templates are already built, you’re free to focus your creativity on the colors.

Here are some good blog articles on setting up templates:

Previous Pantone color challenge recaps:

Last Week’s Challenge:

Before you begin design your colortastic challenge entries, check out the amazing Star Wars examples your fellow community members shared in last week’s challenge:

Star Wars E-Learning RECAP #110: Challenge | Recap

Wishing you a coloriffic week, E-Learning Heroes!

New to the E-Learning Challenges?

The weekly challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.


Published 9 years ago
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