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What Is Blended Learning?

CommunityTeam's avatar
10 years ago

Blended learning is an approach to learning and development that combines instructor-led training and self-study with e-learning and other less-structured forms of learning support—think “communities of practice,” or groups of people who share an interest in improving at a specific profession, skill, or craft. By combining different training approaches, blended learning programs create a supportive environment where learners can explore information, practice skills, and get feedback through different channels.

There are tons of situations where a blended learning approach can help you create effective learning experiences. For example, if you’re developing a training program focused on construction skills, it’s crucial that some of that learning happen in person. For starters, you’ll want to make sure your students can use tools safely and appropriately. But you will make the most of your in-person course time if everyone has the same basic background and knowledge before they walk in.

In this situation, you could use e-learning to create a foundation (no pun intended!) for the construction skills you’ll cover in person. You can make sure that learners are familiar with terminology, safety rules, and other background info, and then use your in-person training time for discussion and hands-on skills.

Here’s another example to consider: Say you’re creating a sales skills course and you want learners to be able to practice the skills they studied in an in-person class. You could create online courses with branching scenarios, where learners can try out their new sales approach in a private environment. That way they have a low-risk setting to experiment with new skills. And perhaps you could complement the e-learning exercises with an informal study group, where your learners could role-play challenging situations and get feedback from their peers.

Are You Using a Blended Learning Approach?

There are many popular approaches to using e-learning to create education and training programs. Blended learning is just one example challenging you to think about how different forms of educational content can help learners master content effectively.

If you’re using e-learning as part of a blended learning approach, tell us more! Share your insights in the comments below. And follow us on Twitter and check back on E-Learning Heroes regularly for more helpful advice on everything related to e-learning.

Published 10 years ago
Version 1.0
  • RidvanSaglam's avatar
    Community Member
    As an EFL teacher, blended learning is one of the approaches I use in my courses. I share the games and quizzes I create with Storyline via e-mail, dropbox or google drive or padlet (
    They are really good to keep them motivated.
    I also use some other online tools like Socrative ( It is really useful to see their processes.
    There are lots of tools and web pages to create a blended learning but I'd like to share my favourite ones; ( ; you can combine different types of learning materials in one place.
    (; you can create flash cards and see how many cards your learners study and how good they are.

    There is one more, I haven't used this one with my students but I will.
    • DavidJones123's avatar
      Community Member
      Two other great sites for working with ESL students and creating front end blended learning resources Quizlet ( for flashcards and interactive vocabulary learning. ThinkLink ( for adding layers of information to a static image.
  • Thanks for sharing your insights Ridvan!
    Those resources are super helpful to me as I teach my children Spanish as a second language.

    I don't really do any blended learning as part of my job, but I certainly use it with my kids. I create additional activities in Storyline to keep them motivated. They just love playing interactive 'games' on an ipad or computer, and it really helps reinforce the learning we do face-to-face. It can be really boring to practice/learn vocabulary in class, but when you turn it into a race-against-the-clock game of some sort, immediately they just love it.
    • RidvanSaglam's avatar
      Community Member
      I didn't add one more tool as I wasn't sure if it can be called a blended learning tool but my students love to use this one.
      If it is possible to use mobile devices in the class, it can be a great fun activity.
      • VeronicaBudnika's avatar
        Super Hero
        Oh, mobile devices are highly encouraged in my classroom ;)

        Thanks SO much, these are awesome Ridvan, I am going through them now and adding them to my teaching kit.
  • At our institution, there's a lot of blended learning happening. Faculty members originally came from a televised broadcast model, so blended formats were a natural progression as a hedge to jumping fully online. We've even found that some courses operate better this way, allowing for greater flexibility and enrolment!
  • BethHicksb's avatar
    Community Member
    We often use a blended learning approach when delivering professional development to teachers. We typically use a flipped model, where we have teachers complete an online course (developed with Storyline 2, of course!), then follow up with face-to-face workshops, live coaching and practice using a mixed reality classroom simulation.