4 Summary Screen Ideas for Your E-Learning Courses
What comes to mind when you hear summary screen? If you’re visualizing a screen full of text or bullet points, you’re not alone. Many course designers focus so much on the main course content that the summary screen becomes something of an afterthought. That’s unfortunate because summary screens are such a valuable opportunity to set the learner up for success after they exit the course. Here are some alternative summary screen ideas that go beyond bullet points.
Include a PDF Download
One way to support your learners after they’ve finished your course is by creating a downloadable PDF they can save or print to reference as needed. For example, depending on your course content, it might make sense to include:
- One-pager of key course content
- Infographic of a process
- Checklist of actionable items
- Form for the learner to fill out to share and discuss with their manager
Once you’ve created a reference document, showcase it on your summary page so learners take the time to download it. Here’s an example of what that screen could look like.
Invite Learners to Reflect
The summary screen is also a great place to give learners the opportunity to make the connection between the content and their day-to-day work, which is key if you want them to internalize the information. Instead of simply including a bulleted list of the key messages, try asking a question that prompts them to reflect on what they learned, set goals, or connect the content to their work in a meaningful way. Once they submit their response, give them the option to save it so they can refer back to it later.
Here’s an example of what that screen could look like.
Insert a Video
Videos can be an effective way to close a course and connect with your learners. For example, if you’re creating an onboarding course, instead of a summary screen of text welcoming the new employee, you can include a video of the CEO welcoming them and congratulating them on their new journey. This makes the employee’s learning experience feel more personal.
Here’s an example of a Video Summary screen.
Link to Resources
Including additional resources on your summary screen is a great way to extend the learning experience. For example, depending on your course, it might make sense to include:
- Contact information so learners can reach out for help
- Links to sites with more information so learners can dive deeper
- Links to discussion forums where learners can ask questions and discuss course content
Here’s an example of what this type of summary slide might look like:
The end of a course doesn’t have to be the end of learning. If you like the course summary screens I’ve shared, you can download the set here to use in your Storyline 360 courses. What course summary screen ideas do you have to make an impactful learning experience?
If you’d like more ideas on how to end your course, check out What to Include on Your Course Closing Screen.
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