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5 FAQs About Using Grouped Objects in Storyline 360

SarahHodge's avatar
Former Staff
4 years ago

Have you ever worked on a slide with so many objects that you found yourself struggling to click on the one you intended, or maybe spending countless hours adding animations or triggers to each individual item? There’s an easier way. Grouping objects in Storyline 360 is a handy feature that can help you stay organized and work more efficiently. Here are some of the commonly asked questions about working with grouped objects in Storyline 360.

1. When does it make sense to group objects? 

Working with numerous objects on a slide can start to feel overwhelming. Before you know it, your timeline and trigger panel become an endless list of objects and triggers, which can be time-consuming to manage. 


Declutter Your Timeline

Grouping objects together can help you work more efficiently. Look at these two timelines for the same course. 


And there are still a ton of objects that aren’t visible without scrolling.


Such a noticeable difference when the objects are grouped! 

The grouped version is clean and easy to manage. I can quickly show, hide, or lock objects in just a few clicks.


Keep Triggers at a Minimum 

Another benefit of grouping objects is that you can execute one action for an entire group of objects. This cleans up your trigger panel and makes it easier to hide triggers if you need to do some testing. 

Before:                                                          After:

Edit Multiple Objects Simultaneously

Grouping objects also allows you to edit, move, rotate, flip, or change other attributes all at once, as if they were a single object. 

You can also resize all the objects in the group while preserving the spacing between objects.

2. What’s the quickest way to group objects?

The most common way to group objects is by selecting the objects to group together, right-clicking, and choosing Group


But did you know there’s a faster way? You can save yourself a few clicks (and a lot of time) by using a keyboard shortcut. Simply hit Control + G (or Command + G on a Mac).  

3. How do animations work with groups?

When it comes to grouped objects and animations, you have two options:

Option 1: Apply animations to each object individually. 

When you want the objects in a group to animate at different times, you can add individual animations to each object. In the following example, you can see that I added animations to each object (noted by each ⭐) and then grouped them together. 


The following GIF illustrates what the above grouped object with individual animations looks like in action.


Option 2: Apply animations to the group as a whole. 

When you want to animate multiple objects all at once, group them together and then add an animation to the entire group. In the following example, I grouped the objects together and selected the Fly In animation (noted by the one ⭐ at the top left). 

The following GIF illustrates what a grouped object with one group animation looks like in action.


4. How do I troubleshoot animations with grouped objects?

Grouped objects aren’t animating as intended? It’s possible you’ve applied a mix of both animation options I shared above. This happens a lot if you’ve added animations to individual objects and then later decided to group those objects together and add a group animation. 

To figure out if that’s what’s going on, open the Animations tab and then click on each individual object in the group. Keep an eye on the Entrance, Exit, and Motion Path Animation options as you click each object. If you see an animation has been added to an object, remove it by selecting the drop-down arrow and clicking None or simply deleting the extra motion path. 

5. Can you add states to groups?

Storyline 360 has built-in states that allow you to change the appearance of an object (such as shapes and buttons) based on the learner’s action. States can only be added to individual objects, not grouped objects.  

However, you can still edit the states of the individual objects within a group by selecting each object and editing their states. Or you can first edit the states and then group them together. Check out this video tutorial on how to make a group of objects display their individual hover states.

Another option is to keep one object of the group on the slide, click Edit States, and paste the remaining objects in the Normal State. Check out this video tutorial on how to work with grouped objects in Storyline 360.

More Resources

For more information on working with grouped objects, check out these resources:

What questions or tips do you have about working with grouped objects in Storyline 360? Please share your ideas below. 


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Published 4 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Some issues I currently have with groups is that you cannot add assets into a group and I cannot remove one asset from a group without ungrouping everything, thus losing any animation and trigger related to that group.

    Are there plans to add these functions at some points? Rioght now, it feels like you need to plan way ahead before grouping so you don't have to ungroup assets.
    • SarahHodge's avatar
      Former Staff
      Hi Jean-Christophe! Thank you for your feedback. You should be able to remove an asset from a group and keep the triggers/animations as Stephan mentioned. Since it's hard to select objects from within a group on the slide, I use my timeline to grab the exact items I want to remove. The remaining group stays intact and so do the triggers and animations.

      You're right that you can't just add assets into an existing group and keep the animations and triggers. That would be nice! We don't have plans for this feature yet, but you're welcome and encouraged to share your thoughts by submitting a feature request. If anything changes, I’ll share it here.
    • AngieSerratos's avatar
      Community Member
      It would be awesome if we could add objects to already existing groups. I recently created custom motion paths and had to delete and recreate them to add an object to the group.
    • StephanBurkhard's avatar
      Community Member
      I don't think that you can add assests into an existing group. :/
      As a possible workaround for removing an asset you can try to select the desired asset and cut it out with Ctrl+X.
      Afterwards paste it with Ctrl+V or Ctrl+Shift+D (Paste in the same position).
      The asset should now be outside the group.
  • Currently, I'm working on a project where I created a group to make all of the objects fly-in like one object.
    But, I also want to give some of the objects a hover state.
    That does not work. Al the objects with the hover state change, when I hover my mouse on top of one of the objects (just like shown in the first video in question 5).

    I can think of a solution (create one image of all the objects I want to fly-in, and when the animation ends, change state to hidden and make all object visible as separate items), but I'm wondering if I'm missing a functionality...
    • SarahHodge's avatar
      Former Staff
      Hi Erica! You are right...any objects with hover states when grouped will all appear when hovered over the group. One idea to keep your fly-in animation and hover options would be to:

      -Duplicate the grouped objects (This is a good time to also make sure both groups align-center/middle. You can use the hide icon to make edits to each group)
      -Remove the hover states from all the objects in the original group that flies in
      -Ungroup the duplicated group (keep the hover states and make sure there are no entrance animations associated with any of the objects)
      -Adjust the timeline so after the grouped objects fly in, have the duplicated objects (that are now ungrouped) appear at the exact time the grouped version ends so it looks seamless.

      Now learners will be able to hover over the objects. I hope that helps!
  • I've created a group to make the triggers easier but I can't select the group in the triggers when I want to change their state. I'm not sure if it's me or if this isn't supported